TMGC+C screen protectors..?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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Tamagotchi Town (formerly Music City)
For those of you who own one, what do you use to protect the screen on your Tamagotchi +Color? I hear the screens scratch super easily and I'd love to know if there's any way to apply a screen protector to it even though it's a convex surface.

Any and all help is hugely appreciated! :lol:

Most people I know use a "smart phone" cell phone protector and cut it to size. Others have used a Nintendo DS screen protector. Both work pretty well. I perfer the N.Ds ones, they are cheaper and they are easier to stick.

I've heard of other people making Vinyl covers for them. (Fully clear plastic kind) Making snug covers if you can sew. But depending on how you make it, if you change your inner design often, it gets annouying and isn't as snug... I would make one with the top piece uncovered. Use stronger thread... I haven't made one yet, but I'm sure its fairly simple.

But wouldn't the DS screen protectors (or any, for that matter) not stick properly because of the TMGC+C's curved screen..? :unsure:

And I believe you're thinking of the Tama-Go; the Tamagotchi +Color doesn't have a removable "top piece."

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You're right, they won't stick properly because of the curvature of the screen. I tried using an iPod screen protector for a while, but it just wouldn't hold. I proceeded to try Saran wrap, interestingly enough, afterward but it got to be too much of a hassle. I've since stopped using a cover and embraced the minute scratches. I keep telling myself that scratches add character and are a mark of good use of the Tamagotchi. :D Plus, it motivates you to be more careful with it anyway since it doesn't have a protector. I do plan on purchasing Displex sometime though, in order to maintain the screen every once in a while and try and make it look like new again. It's no screen protector but I've heard it works wonders.

This is one of the reasons I am debating purchasing the +color. I feel that if I pay that much for a tamagotchi, I will absolutely freak out when I scratch it all up :(

I like how the ID has an inset screen instead of being flush to the body, I bet that helps a ton.

But the features and locations of the +color look so much better to me... It may be worth the risk of me going all OCD about some light scratching.

Ah! Can't decide :0

Pretzel, that's exactly how I'm feeling. Well, I've already purchased the +Color, and am waiting for it to arrive by post as we speak - but I'm seriously going to go crazy OCD over this if I don't either find some form of screen protection or find a way to get over the process in my head. I actually do have a touch of clinical OCD, so this isn't going to be easy. But hey - maybe I'll just have to live with it. Better to have a slightly scratched Tamagotchi +Color than to have never had the privilege of owning one at all.

I don’t use a screen protector and my TMGC+C doesn’t have scratches. And I don’t feel I take particularly amazing care of it - just normal care. Mind you, it certainly hasn’t got as much use as my other Tamagotchis. *Looks at my much-loved Keitai which has lots of scratches* :(

I think just be careful. The screen is bound to get scratched eventually. And as OldSchoolTama said, it can motivate you to look after it well as well. :)

Having said that, I would be interested to hear of a good protector that anyone has used.

-Ra-, if i remember rightly, used a kind of tapeand stuck it on the screen

(Um ya, the Vinyl was for the Tama-Go, but I'm sure you could adjust it to the TMGC+C... I don't own a TMGC+C.....)

I have tried a IPhone protector and it was raised on the edges.... (Given I'm using a Tama-Go which is kinda curved...) I would think you'd have a better chance with a DS cover. You could always carefully cut a thin piece of tape to hold down the Smartphone cover if it pops up a bit... It would be annouying though.

You could *try packaging tape.... But be careful when placing it due to it becomming sticky or bubbles could form.

Does it have to be a permanent protector?

Maybe you could use cling film / plastic wrap whilst you are playing with it? You could still use the buttons even if you wrap most of the tama in a single sheet that covers / protects the screen.

Alternatively, how about a small zip loc bag - stuff the whole tama in there?

I dunno.. depends on just how OCD you want to get about screen scratches (*twitch*) :p


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TamaMum has some good ideas. But I wouldnt recommend a Sandwich bag unless its a small one. I have used one for a few days for my Tama-Go, it kinda left baby scratches on the screen....

Although, if you chose to use the sandwich bag, I would tape the outside so it doesn't wiggle out of place.

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