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Jun 8, 2008
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Umm..Well I have a v.5 tama and on the 2nd generation and I would like to know how the family looks together because I can only see the kids on the screen not the kids and parents.Also um... How do you get a mame family, and get a pet.

You will never get to see the family all together on the same screen. The three tamas are always on the screen because only three tamas can fit on the screen. But you can see what the parents look like by going to the menu screen and keep pressing button A until you get to the two parents. You can also see one of the parents with one of the little tamas in the animations that happen when you don't touch your tamagotchi for a while. I don't really know how to get a Mame family but you can always find out on Tama Zone. You can get a pet by going to Tamatown or by getting the code for one. You can only see the pet during the random animations and in the C button animations. Also, you can only have a pet if you have a pure family. If you get the code for a pet and you don't have a pure family, the pet won't show with the family.

Tama-zone Chart

there's a chart that shows the pets for the families. The Mame pet is Bagubagutchi. You can get the mame family by raising ertain characters and marrying certain characters, you can see which characters on the chart.

Okay, well you got your parent answer there...

So here's how to get a Mame family!

The Mame family is one of the Pure Families. Pure Families can be obtained by marrying certain characters to another. To get a pure Mame Family, you have to marry a Mametchi to a Chantotchi.

In order to get a Mametchi, or in most cases a Smart Family, every time your tama calls for training, use the first selection in the training icon. Keep using it every time it calls for training and in no time you'll have a Smart Family, consisting of a Mametchi!! Hope I helped.

It is inpossible to see the whole family on the screen at the same time unless you have violet family and you get to do the occasionail c button animation. At the end it shows the whole family (and pet) together.

if you want to get a mame family then you would have to give the current tama A LOT if attention! mametchi, he is a really smart tama and that only happens when you give the tama a lot of attention.

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