Toilet training?


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
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I glanced at my tamagotchi one time and it looked like it was about to go to the bathroom and had the wavey lines going up and I let it go to the bathroom and it sat on the toilet, then another time it went normally and left poo on the bottom then I caught it AGAIN doing the wavey line thing and let it use the toilet instead, what's the differance between the two? Will it go poo less now? Oh ya, I have a V3.

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Getting ready to lay the flece, That happens to me, I always miss it, I try and toilet train my tamagotchi but it always smarts me out and like lays the flece when Im in class

mine did that too! i don't think you train it its just random

So there isn't really any point to it? :furawatchi: That kinda sucks ;) why did they add it then?

So there isn't really any point to it? :huh: That kinda sucks :angry: why did they add it then?
Actually, I think that if you catch it doing the pee-pee dance, and set it on the potty in time, it will get one happiness heart.

u can potty train ur tama but u have to catch it 4 times in a row (i heard this sum were)

hope i helped

Actually, I think that if you catch it doing the pee-pee dance, and set it on the potty in time, it will get one happiness heart.
binary is right.

You can never "potty train" yr tama to use the toilet or duck on it's own - you will always have to choose the toilet icon when you see the squiggly lines - but each time you do, then it fills a Happy heart.

The rumour about catching it 4 times in a row is false I am afraid. I have tested this one out several times (on a very long flight when I was really bored - so plenty of time to check on my tama.. lol) - it definately doesn't work. They never choose the toilet or potty themselves - no matter how many times you get them on it. Sorry :huh:

Best, etc.


It just does that whenever you see the wavy lines above your tamagotchi. If you manage to press the bathroom sign fast enough, it will sit on the toilet and do its buissness. It will then beome happy at the end.


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