Tokio Hotel


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Just wondering what versions of their songs do you like better?

I love both German and English versions the same.

What about you? If you haven't heard them, look them up on iTunes, or youtube.

(BTW for those of you who said I spelled Tokyo wrong, I didn't. Tokio is the German way of spelling Tokyo. At least, that's what I heard)

Oh and yes--- Tokio Hotel is a band of German smexi guys, but they sing in both German and English.

I dont really have a preference; I love the German versions, because that is their mother tongue, and they can be more comfortable *huggles* But I love the English because it is easier for me to understand. =]

Well, I'm not a big fan of Tokio Hotel anyway. Too..I dunno. Pop-y, I guess. But they have some nice (in my opinion ;D) moments. I put "both" since I enjoy understanding the English version but I like listening to what sounds to me like gibberish. :shrug:

For me it would be German. It is nice hearing a band in their mother tongue, rather then in English and with their accents warping the words.

I know all the lyrics off by heart, for both versions. Yes, English is easier to understand and memorize if you don't speak German. But it sounds nicer.
