Tomboy or girly-girl?


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I can't fit into one catagory or the other. :]

Sometimes I like dressing up, putting on a bit of make up and looking all snazzy. But other times, I could run around in the rain with my buddies getting all muddy and could care less about what I looked like.

Like practicly everyone, I'm one of those people that can be squished into just one group.


i wear girls clothes... but they are dark and comfortable.

but i like boy stuff too.

i wear girl stuff... talk like a guy... and eat like an animal xD

i have no clue... just ill-mannered i suppose?

Most the time, the Tomboy-Girlygirl stage is in late elementary school, early middle school. After a while, it seems to sort of even out. 0.o

But, with my status right now, people would probably label me Tomboy, because I have an extreme dislike towards many people, most of them being 'Girly-girls'. xD

I'm the only girl that has worn black alone, without pink, blue, or orange, out of the entire whole of girls in my grade.

All my friends are guys. And I am much fonder of my guy friends than I am the High School Musical-Hannah Montana-Pink obsessed girls I go to school with.

Neither :]

When my friends are introducing our group when they come to me they're like ... "And that's the conceited in the middle girl" Heheh. Just a little joke :3

I don't like labels. It makes me feel like I'm squashed into a catagory. I don't label people.

I'm going to answer this anyway. If I had to choose I'm more of a tom-boy ;) .

Can't be ethier, to sum it up. It has something to do with being semi-normal (as my friends say), though.

Also, I think that everyone likes to shop for things that interest them. I hate shopping for clothes, but take me to an art store any day.

50% tom-boy!

50% girly girl!


i LOVE monster trucks and cars!!!!!

but i LOVE to shop for clothes and decorate stuff girly =]

Haz, well I USED to be a tomboy, but if you look at me and my friend Gina I am a prep X.X

I am in the middle. I like pink, DARK PINK. lol.

100% Girly prep. LOL!

I wear brand name clothing, make-up, jewelry and all that jazz. But I like it, and it's who I am.

god, I can't stand preps >_< it's kinda funny, they always give me these realy nasty looks :rolleyes:

I'm neither realy, if you want to lable me by my clothes, here you are

  • Tight black TRIPP pants
  • black fingerless Linkin park gloves
  • black tank top w/ a pic of a rose on the chest
  • black zip-up hoodie
  • homade black leather chocker

I'm 100% tomboy. I love football, baseball, hockey, you name it. I also never wear shoes outside (many 'girlygirls' have chastised me about that lol!), I love bugs/reptiles, and I can belch louder than any of the guys in my class, plus any of the guys at my dad's work place.

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