Too Many Snacks?


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Jun 16, 2009
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i feed my tama snacks to make it happy. games dont make it happy. does it get over weight if you feed it snacks? he is but a child but he weighs 25 pounds. is that too much? he is not a teen yet and i know a teen who weighs 20 pounds. :D

if thirty for a tamagotchi is over wieght then my tamagotchis r way over wieght

if thirty for a tamagotchi is over wieght then my tamagotchis r way over wieght
*laughs* I'm really sorry. I didn't mean 30 pounds is overweight, I meant that is the proper weight for an adult tama. I said it was a little heavy, because the topic starter said their tama child was 25 pounds.

I'm very sorry I confused you.


oooooo ok thanks but mine r still heavy (i dont know y but i like to over feed them for some reason i like to watch them eat)

Weight doesn't affect tamas at all up until the music star, my V4 and V4.5 both weigh 99lbs! Unfortunately, I've heard overweight V6s die, but that doesn't affect a V3. So, you're fine with what you're doing!

it also sick when it is a teen or child and eats alot. :(

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Ok a bunch of ppl have been saying that wieght doesn't affect ur Tama. But sometimes it can. If your Tama is overwieght than it can be prone to sickness & it can also affect what charecter you get. Wow. I sounded like a school teacher there!!!! For Tamas anyways.

It really doesn't matter, on the V3, what the Tamagotchis weight it, though it does effect the character it will evolve into as a teen/adult, somewhat. If you want it to weigh less, play games with it.

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