Too much Violence!


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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2005
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In World 1-1, Sqishing Goombas
Whats wrong with the world? All i see on the news is Murder, Kiddnapping, and Vandolizim! Why do people do this? It makes me feel compeled to make it stop!`But what can I do? I cant even go to the bathroom in stores without having the feeling thatI'm safe! How can we change the world?

Sadly, the world won't change that easily. Also just because you only see bad things on the news, doesn't mean there aren't any good things happening in the world either. You mostly see bad stuff because it's a bigger 'scoop' for them. You would get more credit for finding something out like a murder that happened.

As to why people do this...why do people do anything? People who murder people are just ... I don't know. So yeah, no matter how much we would want the world to be a peaceful place it won't be anytime soon.

Edit: I sound so pessimistic

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Well yes, it is the NEWS. That's what the news is for. You get reports of anomolous / unusual behaviour and things happening. The news can't really report normal things now can it?

There is still much more good in the world than bad. More people will help you than harm you. Don't forget that. :furawatchi:

Actually, crime rates have gone down since 1995 from what I've been told... news is a large exaggeration machine.

You don't need to change the world. You wouldn't be able to. But as for violence, that's what the news is for. You're most likely safe in a public bathroom.

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It's called "Yellow Journalism".

Newscasters / Journalists blow things way out of proportion at times. But I'm not saying that violence doesn't exsist in modern-day US. It's human nature to make things out for themselves, and we seem to succeed quite well in the "It's all about ME!" area. Usually these acts of violence are a result of drugs, sex, and other violence. But I'm just stating the obvious.

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