Too old for Tamagotchi?


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2004
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When the fad hit in 1997, I was a mere 5th grader. I would buy Tama-after-Tama up until 1999. Then, it almost became sort of embarrassing. I mean, mentioning to my fellow 7th and 8th grade peers "I BOUGHT A TAMAGOTCHI OVER THE WEEKEND EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY OWN 5+" frightened them.

Now that I am 17, that embarrassment has gone away somewhat. But in a sense, I still feel ashamed(?).

Should a gal my age (with a job as a hostess, a boyfriend, and LIFE) obsess over Tamagotchis to this day?

That leaves me wondering... How old are all of you? Male or female?

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i'm 19 now and I got 2 of those tamagotchi connects under a week ago. When they came out first I had one and when I read in the local paper that they were going to have them again I had to wait a month but I got one. I think for me it was just I remembered having my old tamagotchi's and it brought back alot of sentamental value that's why I got the new ones. My sisters 18 and after playing with mine she went and got her own (the green with boxes). Now I'm in college and I work as a cashier and while I dont carry my tama's every where (during work I leave them in my car) I dont think having them at my age is dumb.

There is no "too old" for Tamagotchis! :(

Perish the thought.

It's an awesome little 'toy' you care for.

How could any one be too old for that?

Don't let the fact that it's a 'toy' scare you off either. Nobody is TRULY too old for toys!

If you are too old for toys, you might as well curl up in a ball and cease to exist. You'd have to cross over in to the world to fuddy-duddy-ism.

We wouldn't want that now would we? :(

i'm 18 and female i was also obsessed from about 97-99 then it calmed down but now i thiunk im obsessed again !

i have 4 connections no (well, one plus one connection and 2 connexions)

haha, im 19 and still have all my old tamagotchis and i bought 3 new connections. my hubby thought i was nuts at first, but then i got him into it...

I'm 21 and I'm still playing with my little 9 years old brother.

I'm going to buy also a Tamagotchi Angel soon. :(

wow,im only 12 ;) I play with tamagotchis,lol,so I cant relate to being to old to play with tamagotchis LOL

Hey Hey! i had one, well 28 when they first came out in 1997-1998 ;) hahahahhaha sooo i had to get one of the new ones! im dessenftly not to old 4 them. I have 2 now and plan to get 3 more! My mum things that it is sad. hahahahhaahha i think that they are so so so so obbseive!

Also, can some one plz help me...........I have my 2 tamagotchis and i am trying to mate them. They are the right age nad they are the oppeset sex to each other. they just wont mate! i try and try!!!!!!! i have connected like 300 times and they love each other but they wont mate!!!!!!!!!!! is there anything speacal i have to do to make them mate?? plz help me!!!!!

lol, my obbesion started when i was 13... now i;m 20, going on 21 and it hasn't stopped!!! my parents still get peeved when i come home with 5 or more NEW tama's that i got in the mail or in stores!!! :lol:

Jappyx,both your tamagotchis must have full hearts and must be at a reasonable If they are normally 20 grams or whatever they must be 20 or 21 grams to know when they will ecause when you connect the the will dane,the screens will go black and fireworks will appear.on te mothers screen 2 babies will appear,one will go to the dad's screen,and the other will stay on the moter's screen.the parents will do a little dance and voila!Tamababies!

sorry about the spelling mistakes :D Its great that you have 2 tamagotchis. i only have 1! :lol: ;) nice that they love each other too!

never too old for a tamagotchi :lol:

I'm 18 and only have 1 so I hope my boyfriend gets one too

yeah sometimes I feel too old for them, but I dont care. A highschool senior walking around school with four of them dangling from her keychains! ;)

and imagine the sight of a full grown kid in the middle of a toys-r-us store (wearing a long black trenchcoat I might add :lol: ) jumping up and down and squealing at the sight of the new tamagotchis this summer o_o


Hmm well I have a house, 2 cars, a career, a hubby, and several tamagotchis!

Oh did I mention I'm turning 30 on Tuesday? :D

I had 2 Gen 1 tamagotchis (from 1997), one Tamagotchi Angel, I have 2 connections, and an Angelgotchi on the way (thank you Ebay). :lol:

So no, I definitely don't think there's an age limit! I only have one going now, one of my new connections, because with work it's hard to take care of multiple tamagotchis, but on my holidays and such I get them all going. ;)

I'm 18 and I love my tamagotchi! You can never be too old, in fact it looks like most people here are adults anyway. =)

That is the best word I have heard this week.

Anyway, most of my friends think I'm nuts. I do not care. Usually, being...erm...assertive, I force them to buy some as well! :)

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I'm 18 and only have 1 so I hope my boyfriend gets one too
Heh, heh. My boyfriend's 23 and promises with his upcoming paycheck, he'll but a connection as well. :)

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