Totally Tongue-Tied!


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Memetchi Dreamer

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
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Somewhere in my own little world...:)
So, there's this guy...(I'll bet you guys are tired of that :p )

But, anyway, there's this guy who's in a few of my classes at school. Let's call, Logan. So Logan's new this year, and we've talked a little and he seems like a really nice guy. We got along well and I felt pretty comfortable around him. He was just a guy I knew casually. Everything just felt natural, and I could be myself. I typically get along with guys pretty well and have lots of guyfriends. This was no big deal. Logan has (or had) round glasses and plain, flat brown hair. He is tall and just normal build (or, used to be). Just an average joe. I never really was attracted to him.

Well...not until lately, that is. Suddenly Logan wasn't wearing his glasses anymore (did he get contact lenses?). His hair seemed to be styled a little differently too, the front spiked up a little. And...oh my gosh :p , was he buff :huh: ? Yes, he was! Really buff :p !

So, suddenly this completely normal guy magically morphed into this gorgeous, muscular, glowing angel! His soft brown eyes twinkled when he smiled, his ginormous biceps beautifully flexed under his tan skin...

And of course, I am totally tongued-tied whenever I try to talk to him. *Sigh :p *.

What happened to my usual ability of being myself? I mean, it's the same guy, the same Logan...just suddenly overwhelmingly beautiful (at least in my eyes). Even though he seems to be just fine around me, and randomly gives me lovely compliments, I just feel so weird and nervous! Please help me! I really want to get to know Logan even better and see if sparks will fly :( !

[SIZE=8pt]Ok, so you like him, but is it just because he's changed into the gorgeous guy? :eek: [/SIZE]

Or is it because he is gorgeous and his personality is ah - mazing?

Never fall for someone because of their looks, but as you stated, you were mates before he got beautiful.

If he had kept the old looks, would you still of fallen for him?

Anyway, I suppose cute and an awesome personality is a brill package, but never go for someone 'cause of the looks, kay? :D

Just making sure :eek:


About getting to know him better, perhaps you could get to know his interests, then see if you could give 'em a go. But don't change just because of him, be yourself. Also, if he can't get a seat at lunch, ask him to join you and have a chat ;)


Let me know if you need any more help x

x.Glitter.x B)

I have always thought that Logan was a cool guy, personality wise. He is nice and fun to be around. I don't have that high of standards (looks wise). You know, I almost did kinda like him like that before he changed. I tend to fall for guys who have great personalities. So, basically, I already sort of liked and admired this guy, so his physical change of appearance just made me like him even more. But yeah. I don't like guys who are just all good looks and are full of themselves. They drive me insane. That must be why I have fallen for Logan so fast-he is a nice guy and a gorgeous guy!

Thank you for your advice. I hope my tongue unties itself soon! I just have to keep reminding myself that it's the same guy under the angel smile :furawatchi: !

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[SIZE=8pt]Thinking about it, you've got the exact same problem as me, and we've helped eachother.[/SIZE]

So if you think about it, we've had the answers in our heart all along.

[SIZE=8pt]Thinking about it, you've got the exact same problem as me, and we've helped eachother.[/SIZE]So if you think about it, we've had the answers in our heart all along.
Oh my gosh! :D That is so weird (in a cool way, of course)! What an amazing coincidence! I guess we didn't know what to do until we saw the same problem through someone else's eyes. That is so neat :furawatchi: .

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the advice you've given me. Well, it was basically my own advice, but still! Thank you so much! :)

How about this?

We keep eachother updated on what happens and take eachother's advice, it'll be awesome to see what happens.

Perhaps the guy you like asks you out or something will happen to me :D Or both of us.

It'll be great to see what our next steps are :furawatchi:

That sounds great! We should start chatting in TamaCHAT or something. Or we could start logs :furawatchi: . I would suggest that we e-mail, but I have a special parent-lock thingy on mine. So we could just keep in touch on Tamatalk.

Sounds Brilliant :D

I'd love to chat more :furawatchi:

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So, there's this guy...(I'll bet you guys are tired of that :D )
But, anyway, there's this guy who's in a few of my classes at school. Let's call, Logan. So Logan's new this year, and we've talked a little and he seems like a really nice guy. We got along well and I felt pretty comfortable around him. He was just a guy I knew casually. Everything just felt natural, and I could be myself. I typically get along with guys pretty well and have lots of guyfriends. This was no big deal. Logan has (or had) round glasses and plain, flat brown hair. He is tall and just normal build (or, used to be). Just an average joe. I never really was attracted to him.

Well...not until lately, that is. Suddenly Logan wasn't wearing his glasses anymore (did he get contact lenses?). His hair seemed to be styled a little differently too, the front spiked up a little. And...oh my gosh :p , was he buff :huh: ? Yes, he was! Really buff <_< !

So, suddenly this completely normal guy magically morphed into this gorgeous, muscular, glowing angel! His soft brown eyes twinkled when he smiled, his ginormous biceps beautifully flexed under his tan skin...

And of course, I am totally tongued-tied whenever I try to talk to him. *Sigh :eek: *.

What happened to my usual ability of being myself? I mean, it's the same guy, the same Logan...just suddenly overwhelmingly beautiful (at least in my eyes). Even though he seems to be just fine around me, and randomly gives me lovely compliments, I just feel so weird and nervous! Please help me! I really want to get to know Logan even better and see if sparks will fly :D !
That is so cute. :(


Basically, I think you should just talk to him more, and get to know him as much as you can.

Sit next to him when you have the chance. If you get all nervous and say stupid things, just try to remember him before he was buff, and when you were friends. He's the same guy.


Ha, hope I helped.\\

Thanks for your advice, Miss Matchmaker :huh: ! *Sigh*, usually I am pretty chill around guys :( . Logan just hit me so hard! I mean he's nice, funny, and gorgeous...who can handle that? <_< I just can't let this guy slip through my fingers-no matter how fluttery and nervous he makes me feel in the process :eek: !

Oh I got that last week (not anymore). Just remember he's your friend! And if you're talking about romance, why not go ask him out?
Yeah, I think I will! I'm going to wait a little, though. I mean, I'm pretty sure he likes me as a friend; but I just wanna double-check and see if he sees me as something more. I hope he does <_< !

Ha new signature is about him.

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Oh my gosh! I got back to school after break...and there he was ;) ! So...gorgeous. My first thoughts were, "What was I thinking? How could I ever get a guy like this?" and I was completely terrified to talk to him. But then I did, with the help of some pushing and shoving from my friends :p . And guess what? After all of the butterflies, we totally clicked! Logan is so sweet and funny. I absolutely adore him, and think about him 24/7. He's so beautiful. I wonder what he thinks about me? :rolleyes:

Oh my gosh! I got back to school after break...and there he was :angry: ! So...gorgeous.  My first thoughts were, "What was I thinking? How could I ever get a guy like this?" and I was completely terrified to talk to him.  But then I did, with the help of some pushing and shoving from my friends :D .  And guess what? After all of the butterflies, we totally clicked! Logan is so sweet and funny.  I absolutely adore him, and think about him 24/7.  He's so beautiful.  I wonder what he thinks about me?  <_<
The problem is the bolded words - the more you keep telling yourself and others how beautiful and angelic he is, he becomes more of something to be nervous around instead of another awesome guy friend.

See what I'm saying? If you want to be able to act normal around him you have to realize that he is just another normal guy. You think he's good looking and that's fine but the more you play his appearance and personality up in such a way, the more you begin to view him as really perfect - and I can assure you he's not perfect. :)

Your mind thinks he's this perfect guy but you know that you yourself isn't perfect. You must get into your head that he is not perfect and so you can become more relatable with him again. You're making him out to be something he's not and that's dangerous waters to tread if you want to be able to 'be normal' with him.

I hope that made some sense. If not I'll be happy to rephrase it when homework isn't looming. ;)

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Hi Memetchi Dreamer, it's me xD

How's things been going with you and Logan?

Any good?

Hi Memetchi Dreamer, it's me xDHow's things been going with you and Logan?

Any good?
Eh, I'm still pretty nervous around him. I know it's all in my head, though. Tamaw/pants is right. But, yeah, he's great. So funny and unique and beautiful. I'm becoming quite obsessive. LOL :lol: . My friends think it's hilarious. They keep encouraging me to hang out with him.

So, there's this guy...(I'll bet you guys are tired of that :D )
But, anyway, there's this guy who's in a few of my classes at school. Let's call, Logan. So Logan's new this year, and we've talked a little and he seems like a really nice guy. We got along well and I felt pretty comfortable around him. He was just a guy I knew casually. Everything just felt natural, and I could be myself. I typically get along with guys pretty well and have lots of guyfriends. This was no big deal. Logan has (or had) round glasses and plain, flat brown hair. He is tall and just normal build (or, used to be). Just an average joe. I never really was attracted to him.

Well...not until lately, that is. Suddenly Logan wasn't wearing his glasses anymore (did he get contact lenses?). His hair seemed to be styled a little differently too, the front spiked up a little. And...oh my gosh :eek: , was he buff :huh: ? Yes, he was! Really buff :wub: !

So, suddenly this completely normal guy magically morphed into this gorgeous, muscular, glowing angel! His soft brown eyes twinkled when he smiled, his ginormous biceps beautifully flexed under his tan skin...

And of course, I am totally tongued-tied whenever I try to talk to him. *Sigh :( *.

What happened to my usual ability of being myself? I mean, it's the same guy, the same Logan...just suddenly overwhelmingly beautiful (at least in my eyes). Even though he seems to be just fine around me, and randomly gives me lovely compliments, I just feel so weird and nervous! Please help me! I really want to get to know Logan even better and see if sparks will fly :D !
hmmm! Maybe, he decided 2 change a lil so U would like HIM! Maybe HE has a CRUSH ON U!!!!! Maybe u should go and..... ask him out! =D

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