Touch Pet Tamagotchi V-4


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Nov 26, 2006
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I just baught a Version 4 Touch Pet Tamagotchi. But the instructions were only in Japanese. I'm having a lot of trouble using it. It does not have any buttons. It has a pink heart that blinks when I try to connect with another pet. I have two other regular Tamagotchies that are version three. My New Tamagotchy will not connect to the other tamagotchies. I can not figure out hwo to turn of fhte bolume. I cannot figure out how to connect with another pet, I cannot figure out how to buy items from the shop. I do not understand what the games are or how to play them? I am having a lot of trouble because I do not have any english versian instructions and cannot read japanese. Would someone please help me? IF youw ant to hel p me directly my msn is [email protected] I'm totally lost. Iv'e managed to feed it, and clean up after it's poo. But other than that I don't know how to do pretty much anything. i'm 19 female and very confused would someone PLEASE help me!!


Sorry, but the Tamagotchi you bought was fake. I've seen it on eBay.

It's made by JD, not Bandai, so it's fake.

:( :lol: :D

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Yea defiantly a fake. On E-bay they should clearly lable thats its a fake. Its not fair to sell people fakes.
welll, sometimes the seller doesnt noe that theyre selling a fake too (stupid seller but you never know)

fakes are bad~ thats why theres the tamagotchi warning forum!

I just baught a Version 4 Touch Pet Tamagotchi. But the instructions were only in Japanese. I'm having a lot of trouble using it. It does not have any buttons. It has a pink heart that blinks when I try to connect with another pet. I have two other regular Tamagotchies that are version three. My New Tamagotchy will not connect to the other tamagotchies. I can not figure out hwo to turn of fhte bolume. I cannot figure out how to connect with another pet, I cannot figure out how to buy items from the shop. I do not understand what the games are or how to play them? I am having a lot of trouble because I do not have any english versian instructions and cannot read japanese. Would someone please help me? IF youw ant to hel p me directly my msn is [email protected] I'm totally lost. Iv'e managed to feed it, and clean up after it's poo. But other than that I don't know how to do pretty much anything. i'm 19 female and very confused would someone PLEASE help me!!
If it's not a fake bought off eBay, it's a Kakeibo, which can only connect to Entama and Uratama and not Tamagotchi Connexion version 3.

Questions to determine Kakeibo:

1: How big is it? It should be around 10cm tall.

2: Is there an antennae with a stylus? There should be.

3: Does it say "TMGC TOWN GINZA STREET" engraved at the bottom? Again, it should.

4: Is it light pink? All Kakeibo are light pink.

Oh, wait, how stupid am I! You said something about cleaning up poo. No, you don't do that on a Kakeibo.

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