Toxic friendships


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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2005
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There's been countless amounts of topics in non-tamatalk and in the serious part of non-tamatalk about friends treating others badly and others mooching off other people.

I thought this topic would be great to post in here so those who get in this situation can read up on comments and additions to here. I found a great article about toxic friendships, how to spot one and if you want to save it. It's moreso aimed at adults, but the content is for everyone.

Ditch Draining Friends!

Comments on the article welcome, as well as any thoughts, concerns or questions.

Thanks TigerLily013! I don't need it right now because I'm the outcast but I'm sure it'll be useful to others.

wow that article was so informative!!!!! thx for posting it!

ok, i didnt read the article but im getting 2 it. top on my 2 do list. i h8 ppl who just b ur friend 2 get ur stuff when they hang @ ur place, or 2 get 2 sum1 they like. it bugs the (plz excuse this partial language, if its inapropriate in ur book) it annoys the crap out of me!!!!! now, im gunna read that article. x.x

That article, told me mostly of what I already knew about friendships! It's useful information, buddies. I wouldn't just throw that out the window. ^_^

That article, told me mostly of what I already knew about friendships! It's useful information, buddies. I wouldn't just throw that out the window. ^_^
I agree ice. Some people might not know what to spot in a draining relationship, so I figured save the energy in answering anymore toxic friend topics by having this around for all to read! Found lots of great articles of life and relationships and other neat stuff from this site every now and again :)

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