Travel Tickets NEVER Work


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Active member
Dec 3, 2007
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QLD Australia
Hi There,

My little gotchi is now 4 years old and things are just not working out for me. I have bought the tickets to every destination available and I have used them. When I use them there is a plane that takes my little gotchi away but then he returns and NOTHING. Should I be getting a password or something? I've traveled to every place and have no souvenirs for them. I have tried logging into Tamatown and again nothing happens. This is my first Gotchi so I must admit complete ignorance but I have been using the forums and stuff so I'm not without help. Anyway any help you could give would be appreciated.

Luv Kat

P.S I can not believe it took my 10 year old son THIS long to switch me onto Tamagotchi... I might nver have had kids if I had my Gotchi first!

After using each travel ticket, go into the Travel Office on the TamaTown web site. You can claim a souvenir for your latest trip from there. (If you use two or more travel tickets before going to the travel office, you will get a souvenir only from the latest place you visited.)

I have gone to the travel centre but nothing is occuring. I am clicking on everything in the place and it's not doing anything that it didn't do prior to using the ticket... Is it possible there is a glitch?

NOW all the tickets are BACK in my items list.... I did use them and they were gone from the list for a few hours.... My tama is still only 4 so I don't know if that is relevent... Mind you I've graduated from school and have had 2 job offers (still trying to work out how to select but I think the problem is I'm too slow) Thanks a bunch for your help befor binary!

Is it for v4 tamagotchis? If it is, when your tama took off in the plane and it showed the "away" screen, did you press the b button? If you didn't, you can still use your ticket for however long you like. So just press the b button when it shows the "away" screen. I hope I helped. :(

(Just in case you forgot, the a button is the left button, the b button is the middle button, and the c button is the right button.)

Ah Ha! So that is what I have been doing wrong.... I didn't realise you had to hit the B button! Thank you thank you thank you! :furawatchi:

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