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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
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Watching you through your window O.O
Note to Cheshire: Yes Cheshire, I did. Jeeze woman, calm your urges.

This story is Critic friendly! All critics are welcome to criticize this, and no one is allowed to complain or flame about the way they critique, because any complaints against critics will be ignored. (Oh.. this is compliment friendly too xP, go ahead and compliment this).

Quick guide to the story:

POV: Point of view, ftw. This is used when chianging points of view. Ex; Serdans POV

FTW: For the win, pretty self explanatory.

Grounders: Oh, they have their pants on the ground, you know, the "gangsta thugs?" (No offense meant to anyone by this term)

Knob: A) An object used to open a door, B ) Someone who could be called a doorknob, but would've proved not be worthy of the door.

Serdans' POV

Why I put up with them, I have no idea. Why I bother even hanging out with them everyday, once again, I don't know. After all, I'm smarter, better looking (oh yes ladies, I'm a show stopper), better dressed, and have a very attractive personality. Oh, not to mention a very nice name. What's my name, you ask. I know, I know, you're predicting it's something both dramatic, and simply amazing, like me... and well, it is! My name is Serdan, pronounced Sir-Dan, like a knights' name, but more... modern, I believe the appropriate word is. Anyhow, enough about me ("Please, oh please, tell me more about you! You're so irresistable and gorgeus... and you have such a wonderful name!" you beg, and trust me, I'd love to, but I can't my dears. Do call me later, okay? ).

I sat on Hannahs' lap, and ignored her complaints. The only reason she complains is because she doesn't want to make it obvious that she, too is infatuated with me. Yes, it's because I'm simply wonderful- but anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. Hannah is quite interesting, for a female (Not half as interesting as me, but like I said before, I can't keep telling you about me, no matter how you beg my dear. ). Hannah has long, silky black hair, pale skin that I compare to, hmm, what do I compare it too..., a very, very pale peach, and two mismatched eyes. One is red, due to a childhood accident of hers, and yet she can still see with it, and the other is blue. She is actually quite pretty, but she has an attitude that tends to make people mad, because she's cold as winter snow. If she doesn't know you, or doesn't want to know you, she doesn't care about you. We were sitting on the stone porch in front of Hannah and Andres' house, looking at the street. The curb across the way was cracked and grey, yet the curb on our side was perfect, and white. It was like seeing opposites when you looked down the road, luxury and limited. Thoroughly done and Thriftily done.

My thoughts were interupted when Hannah pushed me off of her lap, and onto Andres', who socked my shoulder. Oh dear, what if it bruised?

"Ow! Gosh, if that bruises then I'm going to bruise you! " I complained angrily, shoving him. He shoved me off of his lap, and onto the stone set beside him. "Yeah, I accept your apology"

"What apology? I didn't apoligize. " he said, resting his chin on his fist and gazing at the street.

"I was being sarcastic, you Knob!" I growled, crossing my arms in front of me.

"I know" he said, and he smiled his slow, maddening smile. He's just jealous, of course. He's mean because he wants to be like me.

"Shut up you two... I'm trying to concentrate!" Hannah hissed, smacking Andres on the back of his head. Serves you right!, I thought with a snicker, and- OW! Eh, she only did that as not to show favoritism.

"On what?" whispered Andres, trying to figure out what she was looking at.

"That. See the nails sticking out of the soil, next to the dirt? Well, the Grounders always walk by there, smoking and stuff. Here they come, see? Now, as soon as they walk by there-"

"They grounders get their pants on the ground for real! Brilliant, my sister!" Andres said. Oh, did I forget to mention they're siblings? Well, maybe if you'd stop pleading to know more about me, (oh stop, you're going to make me blush) I'd be able to concentrate on telling you about others. I hid my smile as the Grounders walked by... and an angry buzz of cussing broke the silence we had.

"Abandon ship!" Hannah snickered, and we quickly ran inside of Hannahs' and Andres' house, supporting each other so we wouldn't fall from our fits of laughter. Their mother gave us a strange look, and we ended up lying on the ground.

"I told you the blonde one wore heart boxers today" I giggled, and they stopped laughing and gave me a strange look.

"I thought you were kidding... and I don't want to know how you knew" said Hannah, giving me a funny look.

"And were you giggling?" snickered Andres. We all started laughing again, until we were weeping, and couldn't remember what exactly we were laughing about.

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I thought you were never going to... and this is so much better than I imagined. Muahmuahmuah! -glomps-

Duh! It told you I would... but it takes forever to think up plots and stuff when I'm going on someones elses idea, if it would've been my idea, this would've been up within a couple of days.

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