Twilight Trilogy


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
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Lost in the Abyss.
*WARNING!!! YoungAdult book! Might be too much for younger kids.*

So yeah, my friend recommended the Twilight Trilogy to me. I just finished reading Twilight yesterday and need to read New Moon and Eclipse. For those of you who don't know, Twilight is a romantic, drama, and SUSPENSE filled book! lol. Okay, for those of you who never read it this is the back of the book:

[SIZE=14pt]About three things I was absolutely positive.[/SIZE]

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that part might be-that thirsted for my blood.

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Then there's this thing called a preface. Its not considered a chapter because it doesn't happen in the story, but it sort of foreshadows it. I give it to all my friends to read and I love the look on their faces when they read it. If anybody wants, I can post it.

So any comments? reviews? Feel free :]

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I've heard about it here and there, but I've never read it.
oh. I really recommend it though. :] I would say it's my NEW favorite book. lol

Also another note:

These books are lenghty. Okay yeas, Harry Potter is longer, but still.


This is my ultimate fav trilogy

I've read all the books so far and i cant wait for the next one to come out

Have you heard that they're thinking of making a movie out of it?

This is my ultimate fav trilogy

I've read all the books so far and i cant wait for the next one to come out

Have you heard that they're thinking of making a movie out of it?
yupp :] can't wait for it. their thinking of sometime next year.

I LOVE that series! Eclipse was my favorite one out them all.

Can't wait for the movie!

i was the first perosn to starty reading that around my area. i got twilight a year ago and then new moon one day later in a small book store XD it was dusty in there XD any way. then i got eclipse as soon as it came out. each book was about a one day read (yes i read it in ONE day) they were AWSOME! i'm not to exited for the movie tho because books are better than movies and i don't really think the actors/actresses fit my movie watching needs XD lol

lol. Cool. Lots of people like Twilight Triolgy. Geezusss...1 day? It took me one week. lol We had a bookfair today at our school and twilight, new moon, and eclipse were there [=D], but just the cost of new moon and eclipse together is like $40.00!!!! I meen jeez. lol

I'm reading Twilight now.

My friends have finished New Moon, so I'm behind. XD

And yes, they are making a movie out of this series...

My teacher was talking about it in class today...

-- xd3vilx

I've read Twilight. It was amazing. ^^ I'm hoping to get New Moon soon. If I'm lucky, I'll get it before Christmas. =( If not, I have to wait till Christmas. X_x

why do people keep saying trilogy. trilogy is for three. the twilight series is much longer. they already said the fourth is gonna be out in the fall of 08 and they started making a twilight version for edward too called midnight sun (i think, check the website)

I just got Twilight today in the school bookfair. I read a couple chapters and it's really good.

why do people keep saying trilogy. trilogy is for three. the twilight series is much longer. they already said the fourth is gonna be out in the fall of 08 and they started making a twilight version for edward too called midnight sun (i think, check the website)
No, I know it's more, but everybody I like talk with is like get the Twilight Trilogy. We just say trilogy because 3 books are out. And also If anybody has heard of the Uglies Series [uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras] they always refer to it as a triology for instance on specials they are like the final book in the trilogy, but Extras is also part of it so i don't know.

I've got to the bit where the girls getting tracked by vampires then there's other vampires trying to help her ^_^ anyways, I've also got New Moon but I haven't started it yet. I'm hoping to get Eclipse too.

I got Twighlight in the SUmmer, and I'm reading New Moon from the library...I prefer twighlight lol. They are really good!
