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That movie sucked. </3

I hated their choices for the actors.

Kristen Stewart is a horrible actor in my opinion.

My friend said they're gonna make a movie for New Moon.

Hopefully it will be much better than Twilight.

(I heard they have a different director for New Moon?)

That movie sucked. </3I hated their choices for the actors.

Kristen Stewart is a horrible actor in my opinion.

My friend said they're gonna make a movie for New Moon.

Hopefully it will be much better than Twilight.

(I heard they have a different director for New Moon?)
I love Kristen Stewart D; but I certainly think she was the wrong choice for Twilight. The movie sucked compared to the books :l Edward was so ugly x.x; seriously The Joker was sexier than Edward Cullen, just goes to show kids don't try so hard to be pretty ;D

Don't get me started on that movie.

It was absolutely horrible. I hated it. I love the books, and to me, the movie was a huge disapointment.

Kirsten Stewart was, well, I think, very bad. When she spoke, it was like a monotone. No emotion. x-o And I don't think Edward once said "I love you" to Bella. x-x

I only liked the fight scene.

And yes, they're making a New Moon movie, set to come out November 20, 2009. That's my favorite book, so I'm hoping with the new director (Chris Weitz) it'll be better.

The eclipse movie is supposedly coming out on June 30, 2010.

I could go on and on, but I'll spare you guys. Sorry. ^^;;

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Don't get me started on that movie.It was absolutely horrible. I hated it. I love the books, and to me, the movie was a huge disapointment.

Kirsten Stewart was, well, I think, very bad. When she spoke, it was like a monotone. No emotion. x-o And I don't think Edward once said "I love you" to Bella. x-x

I only liked the fight scene.

And yes, they're making a New Moon movie, set to come out November 20, 2009. That's my favorite book, so I'm hoping with the new director (Chris Weitz) it'll be better.

The eclipse movie is supposedly coming out on June 30, 2010.

I could go on and on, but I'll spare you guys. Sorry. ^^;;
That's what I told all my peers. And I only saw the COMMERCIALS.

When she said "I considered something and radioactive spiders" in the book, I always pictured her saying it in humor more than monotone.

That's what I told all my peers. And I only saw the COMMERCIALS.
When she said "I considered something and radioactive spiders" in the book, I always pictured her saying it in humor more than monotone.
Exactly. Bella to me, was supposed to be a lot like Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha, not all serious. As Joker would say, "Bella, why so serious?"

Twilight freaks me out so much. When the previews come on, I scream, fall off of the couch, grab the remote, and change the channel with my heart beating a million times a second. No joke. So I don't even know what Bella sounds like.

Monotone, I take it. x3

There are certain points of the movie that I do like. For instance, how you can't hear most of Bella's thoughts. :3

The human kids in the movie were annoying as hell and whoever was hired to do the outdoor camera shots for that movie needs to be either fired or shot. If those camera shots were supposed to reflect how Edward moves fast through a forest, I'm almost surprised Bella didn't puke on his head. The only character that wasn't a joke was possibly Rosalie and Bella's father. Dr. Cullen looked like a reject from Rocky Horror. One of the vampire guys, the one with the wide eyes in the whole duration of the film, looked constipated. The only cool villian turned out to help them instead. And Edward looked like he was gonna crap himself in a beaker after Bella shows up acting like America's Next Top Model in front of a moving fan.

The human kids in the movie were annoying as hell and whoever was hired to do the outdoor camera shots for that movie needs to be either fired or shot. If those camera shots were supposed to reflect how Edward moves fast through a forest, I'm almost surprised Bella didn't puke on his head. The only character that wasn't a joke was possibly Rosalie and Bella's father. Dr. Cullen looked like a reject from Rocky Horror. One of the vampire guys, the one with the wide eyes in the whole duration of the film, looked constipated. The only cool villian turned out to help them instead. And Edward looked like he was gonna crap himself in a beaker after Bella shows up acting like America's Next Top Model in front of a moving fan.
*claps Joker style* You deserve a freakin' medal :D Though I liked Alice and James, though I think Alice could have been bubblier.

Ok I'm REALLY going to pick it apart:

The movie sucked really. For one, I pictured Bella having a lot more drama in her personality. Being bubbly at sometimes and angry at others, but really showing off her emotions, Kristen, failed to to just that, be her character. Edward, seriously so ugly and a jerk. In the book I pictured him to be charming, and warm and kind. In the movie he always was so mean and he was so ugly. Alice, I thought was good, aside from the fact I think Alice needed to be a LOT more bubblier. Alice is VERY bubbly in the book, taking that out of her character is ridiculous. Jasper, though in the book was quiet, never looked constipated. and he didn't even have a power in the movie!! Rosalie, could have been MUCH prettier, in the book she's described as just, beyond super model beautiful. But she does pull off Rosalie's cold shoulder toward Bella, which partially makes up for the look thing. Esme, I thought was flawless. Just like the book. Carlisle, i pictured to be better looking. He looked animated in the movie. The school kids, god. I didn't picture Eric being Chinese or being so annoying. I know he "badgered" her a lot, but still. I pictured Mike having black hair and being a little cuter than he really was. The two girls, I didn't expect one of them to be such an annoying prep, and I didn't see the other as Suzi from Ned's Declassified. Charlie was good, aside from the fact I imagined him to be more on the chubby side. Victoria was good. James was good. Laurent was good. Emmett, he was ok, I suppose pretty good. I didn't picture Jacob being that cute. Then the main things. One, the sparkling and running was SO fake! They also made Charlie and Bella eat at a restaurant...WHAT?! They also cut out key moments between Edward and Bella. The most romance they had was a make-out scene (which failed) and they looked into each other's eyes. NOT ONCE WAS THERE AN I LOVE YOU. So compared to the book, this movie is an [SIZE=21pt]EPIC FAIL[/SIZE]

Ok I'm REALLY going to pick it apart:
The movie sucked really. For one, I pictured Bella having a lot more drama in her personality. Being bubbly at sometimes and angry at others, but really showing off her emotions, Kristen, failed to to just that, be her character. Edward, seriously so ugly and a jerk. In the book I pictured him to be charming, and warm and kind. In the movie he always was so mean and he was so ugly. Alice, I thought was good, aside from the fact I think Alice needed to be a LOT more bubblier. Alice is VERY bubbly in the book, taking that out of her character is ridiculous. Jasper, though in the book was quiet, never looked constipated. and he didn't even have a power in the movie!! Rosalie, could have been MUCH prettier, in the book she's described as just, beyond super model beautiful. But she does pull off Rosalie's cold shoulder toward Bella, which partially makes up for the look thing. Esme, I thought was flawless. Just like the book. Carlisle, i pictured to be better looking. He looked animated in the movie. The school kids, god. I didn't picture Eric being Chinese or being so annoying. I know he "badgered" her a lot, but still. I pictured Mike having black hair and being a little cuter than he really was. The two girls, I didn't expect one of them to be such an annoying prep, and I didn't see the other as Suzi from Ned's Declassified. Charlie was good, aside from the fact I imagined him to be more on the chubby side. Victoria was good. James was good. Laurent was good. Emmett, he was ok, I suppose pretty good. I didn't picture Jacob being that cute. Then the main things. One, the sparkling and running was SO fake! They also made Charlie and Bella eat at a restaurant...WHAT?! They also cut out key moments between Edward and Bella. The most romance they had was a make-out scene (which failed) and they looked into each other's eyes. NOT ONCE WAS THERE AN I LOVE YOU. So compared to the book, this movie is an [SIZE=21pt]EPIC FAIL[/SIZE]
You took the words right out of my mouth. ;D

I REALLY needed to get it out though xD that song is like the most epic evar!
I'm glad someone said it though~ You speak the truth. x3

Especially about Nobody's Home's awesomeness xD


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