Twin Blocks


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hi everybody.

Okay, I have these Twin Blocks. For those who don't know what they are, they are like retainers that go in your mouth to help straighten your jaw. And; I HATE THEM! Wanna know why?

1. I cannot talk with them

2. It's very uncomfortable

3. I have to keep the mon at night too, and because of that I can't sleep (I woke up three times last night)

4. They make my stomache hurt when I wear them to bed

5. I cannot swallow with them in

But I have to wear them! I have no choice! My parents already paid $5000 dollars for them, so I cannot back off now. *Sigh* How do I get used to them fast? I'm so scared of going to bed now, because it's so umcomfortable and it hurts.

Aww poor you. I feel bad.

I had those once. What you have to do is, practice. Try talking like when you just learned to talk. Small words. If you do it, you'll get used to it.

About bed, ask if you maybe can put soft cotton balls where it hurts. Might ease the pain.

Hi everybody.
Okay, I have these Twin Blocks. For those who don't know what they are, they are like retainers that go in your mouth to help straighten your jaw. And; I HATE THEM! Wanna know why?

1. I cannot talk with them

2. It's very uncomfortable

3. I have to keep the mon at night too, and because of that I can't sleep (I woke up three times last night)

4. They make my stomache hurt when I wear them to bed

5. I cannot swallow with them in

But I have to wear them! I have no choice! My parents already paid $5000 dollars for them, so I cannot back off now. *Sigh* How do I get used to them fast? I'm so scared of going to bed now, because it's so umcomfortable and it hurts.
I'm supposing that Twin Blocks = braces right?

Well, I myself haven't had braces, or anything of the kind, so I can't exactly give help from personal experience, but I remember my friend had slightly crooked teeth, and needed some putting on. he complained often about the pain, but he said that after a couple of days to a week, it started hurting less. At first he just needed to take it easy, and have food such as soup and such.

If it hurts, try sucking ice cubes to numb your mouth, and maybe that way you will feel the pain less. Plus, being Summer, it can also be quite refreshing. :D

Either way, I hope it stops aching soon - I can imagine those things can be quite annoying.

i had a thing that had to be turned to strech my jaw everynight. now that hurt. it was glued to my teeth and they had a key to crank it and widen my jaw....yeah well take pain killers...lots of em

Hi everybody.
Okay, I have these Twin Blocks. For those who don't know what they are, they are like retainers that go in your mouth to help straighten your jaw. And; I HATE THEM! Wanna know why?

1. I cannot talk with them

2. It's very uncomfortable

3. I have to keep the mon at night too, and because of that I can't sleep (I woke up three times last night)

4. They make my stomache hurt when I wear them to bed

5. I cannot swallow with them in

But I have to wear them! I have no choice! My parents already paid $5000 dollars for them, so I cannot back off now. *Sigh* How do I get used to them fast? I'm so scared of going to bed now, because it's so umcomfortable and it hurts.
Aww I know how you feel. I don't have that but I have a spacer at the top of my mouth and it does effect how I swallow. of course I am used to it now because I have had it for more than 5-7 months. It effects the way I swallow, therefore sometimes when I swallow, some of whatever i swallowed goes into my lungs so I have to cough it up.

I don't know if it's the same thing, but it is pretty uncomfortable, and I know how you feel there.


I had a retainer before, i feel your pain. ($5000 dollars? are you sure? i think it is more like.... 500 dollars. maybe just a typo, and if it wasn't then your parents are getting cheated out of their money...) Does it hurt to eat? Eat soft things like yogurt and soup... and mashed potatoes and such.

Aww I know how you feel. I don't have that but I have a spacer at the top of my mouth and it does effect how I swallow. of course I am used to it now because I have had it for more than 5-7 months. It effects the way I swallow, therefore sometimes when I swallow, some of whatever i swallowed goes into my lungs so I have to cough it up.
I don't know if it's the same thing, but it is pretty uncomfortable, and I know how you feel there.

sounds like wat i had.

Hmm, that's a toughie. Maybe before you put it on when you go to bed, play some soft music to calm your nerves down. Then put your retainers in carefully, and try opening and closing your jaw so they get used to the feeling.

But look on the bright side; straighter teeth for you! YAY! :p

I have had braces since November. Trust me, the pain was unbarable up until the first couple weeks. Eat soft food, practice talking no matter how much it hurts, take painkillers. There is this stuff you can get called OraJell and its this numbing stuff that you put on the places where it hurts. XD dont get it on ur tongue because it numbs everything it touches! LOL. Good luck, perservere you'll be alright in no time!

My friend has braces. She drinks a smothie sometimes when they hurt.

Same with my braces.

They hurt ALOT. Whenever I look at them they make me sick. :(

Well I would try to talk as much as you can.

Oh I No!! My parents bought me thouse and I absolutley hate them..

Their so uncomfortable, and embaressing at the most part, talking like a duck with rabies.

Anywho, yes, indeed, I hate them two. My parents are 'making' me wear them.



I'm guessing they're braces. I don't have braces, but i'm sure you can get used to them by slowly speaking more and more words eventually. After all, you'll have to speak!

Thanks guys for all the advice. (Oh yes, they're not braces; I have to get braces next July :) )

It's better now, and they don't hurt as much. But lately, my lips been getting swollen because there is a piece that jabs into them. o_O

And I barely have any saliva in my mouth. It's funny....before, my mouth was over-flowing with spit and now theres none. :(

if there's a part that's jabbing into your mouth, you can put some wax onto it.

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