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Jul 8, 2006
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Latrobe Valley, Vic, Australia.
As it happens, my boyfriend and I connected our tamagotchis one day and I went off to get us a couple of glasses of juice, and he called me urgently back into the lounge and asked if I saw anything weird. As he held our tamagotchis, one in each hand, I did INDEED see something weird. Usually one has an "AWAY" sign and goes to the other tamagotchi's screen, where the two are seen playing or doing whatever they're doing at their stage. That day, my tamagotchi was still at it's screen, and it was also in my boyfriend's screen at the same time.

It only happened once.

These pictures you see of twins, two tamas on one screen, could most definitely be a similar glitch, or somebody else's identical tama connected, when they both go to one screen and play. Also when you and another tama connect and mate, two babies appear on the female's screen and one rockets off and joins the male.

I don't believe twins for a second, not two living on one screen unless they're parent and child.

As it happens, my boyfriend and I connected our tamagotchis one day and I went off to get us a couple of glasses of juice, and he called me urgently back into the lounge and asked if I saw anything weird. As he held our tamagotchis, one in each hand, I did INDEED see something weird. Usually one has an "AWAY" sign and goes to the other tamagotchi's screen, where the two are seen playing or doing whatever they're doing at their stage. That day, my tamagotchi was still at it's screen, and it was also in my boyfriend's screen at the same time.
It only happened once.

These pictures you see of twins, two tamas on one screen, could most definitely be a similar glitch, or somebody else's identical tama connected, when they both go to one screen and play. Also when you and another tama connect and mate, two babies appear on the female's screen and one rockets off and joins the male.

I don't believe twins for a second, not two living on one screen unless they're parent and child.
o that? dont worry, its not twins or a glitch. your tama just married the other 1! when ur tama marrys another tama there isnt an away screen, they just kiss and theres fire works and the girl has 2 babies. 1 of them goes off 2 the other screen and 1 stays. thats how u get ur babies. so really, its not a glitch at all. they just married and had babies. thats all.


Another way to see twins that people will take pics and post and say the have twins.

In bump you could take a pic at a round where your tamagotchi is facing the same tamagotchi it is.

people say its twins and scam but twins are not real trust me my grandpa works at bandai and makes them he told me every secert and every character and how to get them.

The Real answer to twins if there are real Is NO.

It is a glitch.What happened was that while you were connecting one of the tamas connected faster than the other. So one tama connected while the other failed to connect. It's a very common glitch and has no weird effect on the tamas at all.


There will never be such things as twins and people keep posting codes 4 them and the people who punch in the codes get mad at them!

This again ! gosh they is a code for twins but it is a clone and it lasts 20 seconds and they do a dance together , the item is "!!".

luke, that's not a good way to introduce yourself at TamaTalk. Please read the rules before you continue posting. ^_^

Apparently, if you put the sound on , and put your tama on a plane with a ticket, and hold all the buttons down, and reset, still holding the buttons there should be 2 eggs! It doesnt work, I tried it 1 million times.! :lol: :D :p

Apparently, if you put the sound on , and put your tama on a plane with a ticket, and hold all the buttons down, and reset, still holding the buttons there should be 2 eggs! It doesnt work, I tried it 1 million times.! :lol: :D :p
Sorry, but there is no cheat code for twins. The only way to get "twins" is if your Tamagotchi gets married.

~ Dolores ~

Oh yeah, there are a lot of connecting glitches. Some I've experienced are:

:) Tama playing game by itself

;) Tama going to nobody's house

;) What was mentioned in the first post

Those've happened to me like a jillion times!

you and your boyfriend actually spend time connecting tamagotchis?

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