Twlight VS Harry Potter


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Harry Potter.

I never finished the entire series, but I read most of it. It's just.. amazing.

At no point did it come across as if it was written by an insane 11 year-old fan girl. Sometime soon we'll all move onto another series. Who knows, maybe we'll go from being vampires to cat girls. It all's just a phase. Remember years ago everyone was a wizard or witch? Look around. About half of the population claims to be a steryotypical vampire now, think about what we'll be in a year or two.

End of my little rant, or whatever you prefer to call it.

Harry Potter. I read every book that was out in like three weeks when I was seven, but they're better than Twilight. I've read every book in Twilight, too.

Breaking Dawn: I'm in love with a sparkly vampire who has admirable genitals! Read about us having sex! AND THEN READ ABOUT MY PREGNANCY! That sounds like fun.

Harry Potter Epilogue: I'm a poor fanfiction! I ended in the most cliche way ever! In fact, I think my author found this on on the last page with the worst ratings and adapted it!

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Harry Potter!

JK is a better writer, and everything in her series flowed together so well. Not too much romance, but just enough to get you excited, also. :)

' date='December 06, 2008 10:38 pm'] No, not a next series.Definitely not.

But however, I do think she should write another series.

One totally blocked off from Harry Potter.

Her writing style is too good not to use.


(I bought The Tales Of Beedle and Bard the other day :D )
Wow. You have so much in common with me and my friend, for a while I thought you were actually her. o_O

Anyways, I agree there. Totally. Like, all the way man. How can I say that without sounding stupid? Dunno.

BTW.. Why would people think Harry Potter is more fantasy when Stephanie's vampires aren't even real vampires?

Just an opinion. No need to drop Twilight books on my head about it.. hey, watch that sword! It's pointy! **Is stabbed by raging fangirls**

I personally like both. I have already read Twilight, and I'm reading Harry Potter right now. ^-^

Temari Nara

Wow. You have so much in common with me and my friend, for a while I thought you were actually her. o_O
Anyways, I agree there. Totally. Like, all the way man. How can I say that without sounding stupid? Dunno.

BTW.. Why would people think Harry Potter is more fantasy when Stephanie's vampires aren't even real vampires?

Just an opinion. No need to drop Twilight books on my head about it.. hey, watch that sword! It's pointy! **Is stabbed by raging fangirls**
Again, I agree.

And this is . E c l i p s e, also.

I think, after seeing all of the Twilight fans, you can understand why I changed my name.


Do not.


They just don't. It's not right.

When vampires step into the sunlight, they're supposed to grill in the heat. Not look like they've just been doused in sequins and sparkles.

It's just not right, I say.

And I would say that Edward Cullen is probably the most repulsive man alive (Or if you're being technical, undead) except for just one thing: He doesn't exist.

I wish the fans would get this through their heads D:


Becca I love you, but you have to understand that to me, twilight is ok, can't we all have a little imagination about the vamps? xP

P.S. it's DS once again > :mimitchi:

Becca I love you, but you have to understand that to me, twilight is ok, can't we all have a little imagination about the vamps? xP
P.S. it's DS once again > :mimitchi:
Rawr D:

I don't really like either, but Harry Potter by far. It's very well-written while Twilight just, well, isn't. And am I the only one who's noticed that Edward matches nearly all of the descriptions of an abusive boyfriend?

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