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"Nothing, nothing and what do you know, nothing." Celia looked over at her pokemon who also didn't seem to have any luck finding the power source. "Alright, looks like we need to head up then." As she said this, Lexi had already started heading up the aisles so she followed in suit.

"Celia!" Sarah yelled. She'd found her way into one of the 'Staff Only' rooms and found a boy with a wire-cutter and a Pichu. Storm sparked and growled. "You..." Sarah locked eyes with the Pichu, mistaking it for Kicks. "are in big trouble."

Figuring the room with the electricity circuit was one of the staff only rooms, Blitz headed straight for the staff only rooms. One room had the kitchen, and the other room was some meeting room. Finally, he found it. "Well. Looks like someone cut the wires. Not much can be done about that. It's not like you could glue the wires together, Kicks. C'mon. Let's go back."

"Umm.....ahh......" Sarah was getting stared at by the boy and was unnerved. Luckily for her, Storm took over and used Roar, knocking out the boy and his Pichu. She started using Spark, charging the plane up. Sarah grabbed a trainer card and swiped the pokéballs and returned the Pichu to it's pokeball. Using a rope she tied up the person's arms and legs. Before leaving with Storm.

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Celia noticed Sarah and Storm heading in their direction so she ran up to them with Lexi close behind her. "Sarah! What happened? The power back to normal again? What was the problem?" She asked a little frantically. Before she gave Sarah the chance to answer though, she remembered the pokemon outside fighting. "Oh dear, I wonder if Blaze is alright out there."

"Hmm. I think I found that Scarmory's trainer. And I has his pokéballs!!" Sarah said triamhantly showing Celia the pokéballs. "I'll take you to the guy, now." She said turning around

Back in his seat, Blitz thought about putting his eyemask back on, but decided since the plane was probably almost to Sinnoh anyway, there'd be no point in sleeping.

"We will be landing in Sinnoh in about 5 minutes." A monotone voice boomed though the plane.

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