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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
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I know Ksenia (illiey12) has done VERY many, most being INCREDIBLY hilarious.

What have you ever mis-typed?

I wrote fringe as fingw while on MSN with Ksenia. :furawatchi:

What about YOUR typos?

Ooooh, I got a big list. Some in-appropriate....xD

Here I go:

-''Socks''as ''cocks''

-''Secs'' as ''sexs''

-''Mood'' as ''moos''

-''Loop'' as ''poop''

-''Tic tac'' as ''Lic lac''

-''Man'' as ''ram''

Okay, I'll write more when I either remember them or make more typos.

Note:All of these were made on MSN. Most of them to Maria xD

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The: Teh or Thj

Tuba [God, how did I mispell this?] : Utba [XD]

Ah, I make millions of typos. Daily. But not many ones in particular spring to mind.

I'll just say a couple:

Hello - Hullo (I liked that one. I do that on purpose anyway! x3)

Cool - Clool (Hey, that could catch on!)

Poser - Loser (Managed to chance a sentence from, "We are such posers!" to "We are such losers!")

I always double check that my ducks don't turn out to be d***s! Yeah, it's happened too many times. It's not a Freuidian slip, it's just more natural to type that out. >.

It's like when you type out the and it turns out teh. hahahahaha!!

I make a lot of typos of I'm typing fast, so I usually don't remember any of them.

But the worst I've made is I've typed 'Vivienne', 'Vivienna'.

And I do that with a lot of names they end with an e, it just seems more natural to type out. :3

I make billions of typos. By the way, some of the typo's in here are hilarious. x3

I always end up writing 'teh' instead of 'the'.

I once wrote a report for English class. I made a typo when I was writing it. v.v

Instead of writing 'who' I wrote 'ho' and the worst part was that spell check didn't correct it or underline it. So I handed it in like that. xD

Edit: Typo. D;

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My friend was talking to me about something on msn, and she was trying to type as fast as she could. She made a few typos and then she goes

'Oh well, I dont give a duck about spelling atm.'

I bet you can all guess what she was meant to say instead of duck :hitodetchi:

I once typed 'Lobe' instead of 'Love' So that became a traditional saying within my group of friends :hitodetchi:

I have way more but I can't think right now

I make a lot of typos of I'm typing fast, so I usually don't remember any of them.But the worst I've made is I've typed 'Vivienne', 'Vivienna'.

And I do that with a lot of names they end with an e, it just seems more natural to type out. :3
LMAO I remember that XD

I typed em=aem or something like that instead of "meanie" once XD that was very weird.

and I seem to say "iok" instead of "ok" alot on MSN... that's all I can think of right now.

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