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My friend and I were texting about this guy I like, and she wrote "Lexin" instead of "Kevin" by accident because her phone was set like that. The name kind of stuck. So now, that is his codename. ;D

You know, it actually sounds kind of cooler than his real name. xD

Edit: Fix sentence

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Typos are fun... My most common typos:

Hotmail = hotamil, homtail, hitmail, hotmaiol and much more...

Rawrycakes = rWRYCAKES

and more that I can't think of right now...

[Ksenia - remember 'typo differences'?]
Heh heh... those made me laugh x]

Typos are the best thing ever.

One time I meant to type 'poof' but instead typed 'pood' x]

I'm bringing this back D:

In a convo with Starry and Weiwei I typed "pubic" but I wanted "public" O:

And in a topic here I meant to say "I don't get a lot fo PMs" but I typd "I don't get a lot of PMS"

... Dx

Very recently, I made one of the most hilariously disturbing discoveries in the history of ever. With my friend. We wanted to look up something on Youtube [Can't remember what] and instead of 'youtube' I put 'outube'. When the website flashed up my friend and I screamed then fell to the floor with laughter. Don't try it at home, kids, you have been warned. ;]
OMG. I'll remember not to look at that againg. Discusting!!!!!!

This isn't exactly a typo, but I typed 'info' as 'email'. My head and heads can't agree with each other.

I was giving someone a MSN leture, until i started to listen to a song, I instead typed the lyrics. x3

Also I spelt Carrie as Vsrrieee, spelt Koi as Hoi.

In my Pokemon FireRed/Leafgreen strategy guide, I was looking at Totodile's page. And for Water Gun they put the type of it was FIRE.

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