u like a boy/girl?


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Sad story for me lol. I told the guy i like my feelings (he's also my bgb*best guy buddie*) and he doesn't like me as much as i like him and he told me he likes another girl in our grade.......upside is that he said even though i like (well more love) him that we can still be friends and maybe if his feelings for me change we could hook up. So.....I <3 joe

I like two.

One's one of my best guy friends, but I have no classes at all with him this year, so I never get to see him.

The other is a guy that's friends with some of my other guy friends.

We always act like we hate each other, or at least it's an act for me.

Name calling, sticking out tongues, stuff like that.

One of his friends told me that he did like me, but I don't know if it's still true.

One is kind of a tiny off/on kind of thing.

He's new this year, so I don't know much about him, but he's in my homeroom and sits across from me in Algebra.

I kind of like my friend Nick. He's really funny. I'm not sure though, I'd be happy as friends, but he is really cute.

Oh my gosh. I just found out that one of my best friends is dating the guy I like.

But that's okay. Seriously. I'm not going to let a crush take over my life. I just won't.

Beside, I love Kristina. So I'm happy for her.

I like many guys.

I'd go for -

Sam Bam, JD, Liam, Michael, Brandon, Raven, James +several more. Pity all are taken.

I kinda like this girl that I met at day care and ALOT of people think she likes me.

I am currently crushing on a guy named Michael. He's a senior and really cute. He told me that he likes me, but we're not together. (Yet, lol. JK. :D )

Two boys. One's bisexual while the other is homosexual.

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