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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
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Have any UFO Sightings or stories? ;) :lol:

Yes Matthew, there are many postings on the internet about it. Yes Matthew, I believe in it. Yes Matthew, I agree with you. Yes, Matthew.

why do u keep saying "yes matthew"? its freaky!

ARE YOU AN ALIEN???? ;) :lol: :eek:

My dad thinks he's seen three, at the same time. He was driving home from work one afternoon/sunset and he saw three bright lights up in the sky. When he looked up at them, they all shot off in different directions. They were Unidentified Flying Objects, not necissarily aliens.

I saw one out my window once, many years ago. I was probably 12 years old at the time (okay, 6 years ago)... It was at night and my window had an arch over it that the curtains didn't cover... It wasn't saucer shaped even. I told my mom about it immediately and she said it was probably an airplane, but to my knowledge airplane wings do not bend forward... It was sorta wishbone shaped...

*Runs off to make a picture of it*


That was really quick, so it probably sucks... The dots are lights (they were red and green, although maybe not in that order).

It was really weird, it didn't go super fast, and it seemed to be sorta low in the sky considering how well I saw it. It freaked me out!

Nope. My mom thinks she saw some, but it doesn't really concern me. I'm not one to worry about such things.

My mom saw a large fireball in the sky... It came up over the tree line near her house and then back below it... There was a really weird bird squawking at that time, but it shut up during the fireball thing, then started to squawk again when it was gone. I didn't see it, though, because I was inside getting something at the time (it was at night out on her deck while I still lived with her, I think I was getting some bug spray as it was in the summer a few years ago).

No. I will probably never see one.

btw I dont really care if I do or not. Im too annoyed by bigger things lol.

I haven't never seen a UFO. I do beleive they exist; but these 'aliens' aren't necessarily inside them. I beleive aliens live on a far away planet; but they aren't necessarily interested in coming here.

Never ever seen any aliens except myself...jk! If you google 'alien' then there will be this site that says there are aliens and shows pictures of them. But I don't believe that...the computer could have made those images. But I do believe that there is other life out there in the universe. If you think like me and just stop to think, it's really amazing that there is like endless space. Endless! So it would really be unnatural that we are the only life.

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