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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Ok, this is a bit odd. But read. PLEASE.

I... want money. And I want alot of it. And I want it FAST. I know I'm probably sounding really greedy right now, and I KNOW that there are starving kids out there, with no parents, no house to live in, but I want GREEN STUFF. And LOTS OF IT.

The reason I want money? Check out this site. I am REALLY into it. I look at that site, like, every week. Or day. I don't keep track. Today, I even took a sheet of paper and wrote down all the prices, to find which one was cheapest. (Yes, this company is very expensive...)

I KNOW there are starving kids out there, with no parents, no house to live in, but I want GREEN STUFF. And LOTS OF IT.

Any ideas to make money (or dough, moola, green stuff, etc.), and FAST?

Are you old enough to baby sit? Try doing that. Me and a bnch of ym friends may do a course , and baby-sitting usually gets about 15-30 an hour/visit.

Chores are always the easiest thing.

You can always swipe the change off the counter, lol. just kidding :D

What you could do instead of getting a tempur pedic is get a foam mattress pad. I have one and it's nice :3

They sell them at Costco(if you have them there) for around $150.

I don't know how old you are or what you're by law allowed to do for money, but if you can't find any side jobs to do, you might ask your parents or other family members about it for Christmas. It's right around the corner. Instead of having one person alone pay for it, family members might be able to pitch in if it's something you really want/need.

I personally have a sleep number and I love it. It's nice because I can have my bed soft if I want it, and if my back is hurting I can have it more firm.

Either beg your parents if you're a kid, or get a part-time job. If you're an adult... well... find out yourself.

You can't get a lot of money fast unless you steal, which is wrong. You're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way and save up, unless you win the lottery or something.

What you could do instead of getting a tempur pedic is get a foam mattress pad. I have one and it's nice :3They sell them at Costco(if you have them there) for around $150.

I don't know how old you are or what you're by law allowed to do for money, but if you can't find any side jobs to do, you might ask your parents or other family members about it for Christmas. It's right around the corner. Instead of having one person alone pay for it, family members might be able to pitch in if it's something you really want/need.

I personally have a sleep number and I love it. It's nice because I can have my bed soft if I want it, and if my back is hurting I can have it more firm.
They sell them cheaper at WalMart. Like 40$+.

why are you so into temperpidic?
Is that the point?


Ahh uhmm. . . try to just beg random people for small jobs.

I've saved up $140+ from just getting little random $20 jobs, but when you do a few of them, it starts to add up.

I'm hoping to get a real job soon, though.

Thanks for all the ideas everyone! I think I might have a book sale soon. Like in a month. My parents always hold things off until the last minute, like a month before I got my dog, I wanted to buy dog stuff. Mom said, "No. Lets do it later. Much later." And I was all like, "Lets get it out of the way now so we don't have to do it later! >.<" So, yeah.

kupatchithelover, I'm in to Tempur-Pedic because... well, my bed is like a brick. I want something really soft. I want something that everytime I lay on it, I think of a beautiful waterfall leading into a crystal-clear lagoon with trees all around it. Like a rainforest. Soothing.

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