uh... hi?


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I'll be your friend!!! You should maybe (if u want) PM one of my friends. That's 3 more friends!

Oh I also do avvies... If you wanted a uniqe one... I'm still "getting the hang" of doing that. But anyway, just wanted to let you know.


I'm new to tamatalk. I joined a few minutes ago. Could someone be my friend?
I'll be ur friend only if u promise me this. Watch out for futuremd33 because he tricks ppl in2 buying his fake tamagotchis. He is a college student and really does not care 4 tamagotchis. Thank-you!!


i cant say that ill be your friend cuz i dont know that for sure.

but if you see me hanging around in the help sections, then just do as you please, i dont really mind.

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