uh... i need help


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Aug 23, 2008
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ok iv got a version 5 tamagotchi


today my memetchi got married to mumuchi and made a meme family and two fine baby girls then in 45 mins or soo one of them turned to memetchi already from a baby and the other is normal and a child and i thought memetchi is a adult plus it won t let me go on the dating show for memetchi

is this normal... :)

The child to adult transformation you saw occurred because you have a pure-bred family. Congratulations! (It's normal.)

You have to wait 48 hours (2 days, unpaused,) before Memetchi can view the dating channel. Note: only Memetchi will ever be able to use the dating channel, because her younger sister will never grow up.

[SIZE=14pt]once i get a pure family would it stay like that though all the generations or would it change[/SIZE] :)

or does it depend on who u marry again

or would it become the same family again if i marry some one else who is in the same family

plz help

once you get a pure family, one of the children evolves into an adult an hour after they hatch. 48 hrs after they evolve into adults, you are able to use the dating show and you can marry your adult to any tama you want so it depends on who your tama will marry. if you want to get the same pure family you had before, you can marry your pure character to the same character you married in your previous generation.

but if i do get a pure family AGAIN would it make the same children


but that willl get boring having the same family again and again what would you do

sorry to bother you if i am

when your memetchi is able to use the dating show just marry it to another character and you could get a blended, space or cheerful family. you will only get a pure family over and over if you keep marrying your memetchi to a mumutchi.

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