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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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My house.
I had chorus today in school, and it was just really weird and like "ugghhhh". I live in the northern US, so the weather's pretty cold now. However, in Chorus today, it felt like it was in the middle of a humid august day, at least it did to me. I'm gonna try to make this short, but it probably won't be anyway.

We all have to stand up in chorus when we sing. While singing, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I mean, I could breathe, but it's hard to explain. It's like I had to take short breaths, or I was breathing in only partly oxygen and my body just wouldn't take it. My friend Anna was next to me. I told her I couldn't breathe. Eventually, it felt really hot, at least to me. I told her it was really hot. I felt like my face was really warm, especially my forehead. When she touched my skin, she was like, "whoa, you are hot." Eventually I felt a bit dizzy and really heavy, like I couldn't stand up. I felt like I was going to faint anytime. Then it started getting dark. There were these dark blobs everywhere I looked, and almost everything was black. I could see a little bit, like a bit of Anna, but barely anything, like I was blind. My eyes were open and I was trying to look around -- I was like freaked out. I told Anna I couldn't see. So, I walked down to the chorus teacher and told her that I didn't feel good. When I walked down, suddenly I could see again, but when I told her I didn't feel good, I felt like I was deaf. I could barely hear myself. She asked me what I wanted to do (go to the nurse, sit down, etc). I asked her if I could sit down, and after a while of sitting down, I felt a lot better. But when I sat down I felt like my face was burning -- actually, I couldn't tell if my forehead was cold or hot. Margaret, a friend on my other side, mouthed to me "Go to the nurse", but I was feeling a bit better so I didn't go. While Anna, I think, occasionally secretly fanned me with her hand, lol. It was really weird.

I'm feeling a lot better now, but I do feel a bit dizzy when I stand up. Could this be like an illness or something? My mom felt my forehead just now and it feels normal :p

That sounds creepy!

Did you tell your mom?

If it starts again, you should contact your doctor.

Yea, that does sound serious. If it happens again seek medical attention. It could be almost anything causing that I think..

That has been happening to me for years and years. It happens maybe once a year.

It seems to happen when people need to stand in one place for a while and seems to be pretty random.

Could be lack of a good start to the day, too much sugar? not enough? I have not figure it out myself.

If it happen more than 3 times a year, I would be worried but if it is a rare event then I would not be so conerned. It's somewhat common.

I wouldn't be worried. You were probably just a little under the weather and almost kind of blacked out for a few minutes. Like Mothra said, if it happens continually, be sure to tell your mom.

I've gotten wierd feel-like-I'm-going-to-faint spells for awhile too. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems to happen frequently when I'm really anxious, tired/sick, or hungry. The doctor said my blood sugar level was normal about a month ago when they took blood from my finger, I went to the doctor about a month ago because I was concerned about my faintness/weakness spells. My doctor diagnosed me with anxiety/panic attacks, and I've been getting sick a lot lately because I haven't been exercising and sleeping well. So, I'm not certain why I get similar spells like that, but they scare me quite a lot too.

You're lucky you didn't collapse; you could have been injured.

The second you start feeling light headed you NEED to go down and tell the person in charge.

I've had those scares a couple of times. In chorus a couple of years ago, we were in a tiny room and it was very warm in there. We had an hour long rehearsal and I spent most of it sitting in the chair in the back of the room. My mistake was that I didn't tell anyone, and I had to suffer through it.

Another time, I was sick and my mom was doing my hair for me in her bathroom near her room. I was standing up, and I started feeling dizzy. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and I saw those spots, so I started running to my mom's bed and I ran into the wall. I didn't feel anything, but my mom helped me find my way to her bed. Once I lay down, I felt much better.

Another time, I actually did faint. It was during the 4th grade puberty assembly. I felt so sick after this new information, and I was so pale even though we were sitting down at tables. I remember I got really sweaty, and I just went into a nice, icy cold happy place for 2-3 seconds. I saw just black, and rainbows popping up here and there. :p I woke up I'm guessing right after my head fell, since I fainted on my friends arm, and when she moved her arm I awoke. I was terrified. :eek:

The same thing basically happened to me last year, but I didn't feel as if I was deaf...

It's just a terrible feeling, and it's like you could throw up, but even if you threw up, you KNEW you wouldn't feel any better...

Strange thing is, I was singing in chorus too when I passed out.


I had chorus today in school, and it was just really weird and like "ugghhhh". I live in the northern US, so the weather's pretty cold now. However, in Chorus today, it felt like it was in the middle of a humid august day, at least it did to me. I'm gonna try to make this short, but it probably won't be anyway.We all have to stand up in chorus when we sing. While singing, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I mean, I could breathe, but it's hard to explain. It's like I had to take short breaths, or I was breathing in only partly oxygen and my body just wouldn't take it. My friend Anna was next to me. I told her I couldn't breathe. Eventually, it felt really hot, at least to me. I told her it was really hot. I felt like my face was really warm, especially my forehead. When she touched my skin, she was like, "whoa, you are hot." Eventually I felt a bit dizzy and really heavy, like I couldn't stand up. I felt like I was going to faint anytime. Then it started getting dark. There were these dark blobs everywhere I looked, and almost everything was black. I could see a little bit, like a bit of Anna, but barely anything, like I was blind. My eyes were open and I was trying to look around -- I was like freaked out. I told Anna I couldn't see. So, I walked down to the chorus teacher and told her that I didn't feel good. When I walked down, suddenly I could see again, but when I told her I didn't feel good, I felt like I was deaf. I could barely hear myself. She asked me what I wanted to do (go to the nurse, sit down, etc). I asked her if I could sit down, and after a while of sitting down, I felt a lot better. But when I sat down I felt like my face was burning -- actually, I couldn't tell if my forehead was cold or hot. Margaret, a friend on my other side, mouthed to me "Go to the nurse", but I was feeling a bit better so I didn't go. While Anna, I think, occasionally secretly fanned me with her hand, lol. It was really weird.

I'm feeling a lot better now, but I do feel a bit dizzy when I stand up. Could this be like an illness or something? My mom felt my forehead just now and it feels normal ;)
Don't worry too much.

When was the last time you had eaten, or had something to drink that day?

I get that too, after about 3-4 hours of no liquids or solids, I start to feel really hot my stomach gurgles. Then, my vision comes in freeze frames, and then it goes altogether, with me seeing purple, dark blue, and black. My body starts to shut down and I lose partial bits of my hearing.

No, its not Aliens or anything out of the ordinary-- Its--- LOW BLOOD SUGAR! *duh duh dun!!* lol.

Next time, when you know you wont be able to eat or drink for a long time, have a big breakfast, and drink a waterbottle before heading off to school. And if these little attacks still come on, while walking to the nurse, lean against something cool, like a chocolate milk machine, and lay your head on it. The Nuasia will start to fade, so you can walk to the Nurse's office without fainting.

Take care. - - - Katie.

This has happened to me before: Exactly how you described it. I thought it was because I was hungry. I was at the airport, and we went to buy McDonalds as we were all hungry. So, we go up the escalator, and everything you just said happened to me. I was in the queue, I couldn't walk, I couldn't see, or anything. I needed to hold onto my Mum when we went back down the escalator, scary. <_<

Anyway, this isn't about me. I don't think you need to go to the doctor or anything. I guess it's just one of those things that can happen. :D


You should see a doctor about this, it could get very serious later on. Or maybe it's kind o like a phase in a different kind of way.. maybe everybody goes through it some time in there life. :)

I had chorus today in school, and it was just really weird and like "ugghhhh". I live in the northern US, so the weather's pretty cold now. However, in Chorus today, it felt like it was in the middle of a humid august day, at least it did to me. I'm gonna try to make this short, but it probably won't be anyway.We all have to stand up in chorus when we sing. While singing, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I mean, I could breathe, but it's hard to explain. It's like I had to take short breaths, or I was breathing in only partly oxygen and my body just wouldn't take it. My friend Anna was next to me. I told her I couldn't breathe. Eventually, it felt really hot, at least to me. I told her it was really hot. I felt like my face was really warm, especially my forehead. When she touched my skin, she was like, "whoa, you are hot." Eventually I felt a bit dizzy and really heavy, like I couldn't stand up. I felt like I was going to faint anytime. Then it started getting dark. There were these dark blobs everywhere I looked, and almost everything was black. I could see a little bit, like a bit of Anna, but barely anything, like I was blind. My eyes were open and I was trying to look around -- I was like freaked out. I told Anna I couldn't see. So, I walked down to the chorus teacher and told her that I didn't feel good. When I walked down, suddenly I could see again, but when I told her I didn't feel good, I felt like I was deaf. I could barely hear myself. She asked me what I wanted to do (go to the nurse, sit down, etc). I asked her if I could sit down, and after a while of sitting down, I felt a lot better. But when I sat down I felt like my face was burning -- actually, I couldn't tell if my forehead was cold or hot. Margaret, a friend on my other side, mouthed to me "Go to the nurse", but I was feeling a bit better so I didn't go. While Anna, I think, occasionally secretly fanned me with her hand, lol. It was really weird.

I'm feeling a lot better now, but I do feel a bit dizzy when I stand up. Could this be like an illness or something? My mom felt my forehead just now and it feels normal ;)
The exact same thing happened to me when I was 8 years old.

It happens when you get dehydrated. I didnt go to the doctors or anything, i just drank lots of water and I got better.

That happens a lot when I'm on stage dancing and singing.

When you're singing, do you use staggered breathing?

If you don't you should try it, it helps so much with breathing diffuculties.

Also, put a wet cloth on your forehead, that should help with the fever and helping you see.

I'm not quite sure about the loss of hearing.

But that might not be the right diagnosis... Have you had a severe blow the the head within the past week?

That's never happened to me before, but I've had something kinda like it, when I didn't eat for 6 hours or so and everything happened except for the nausia and loss of hearing...

Also, this is sorta related, whenever I stand up too fast (usually when I get out of bed) about 10 seconds later I get really dizzy, my vision turns into a screen of black and blue, and sometimes my legs give out. It's not serious though, it only happens about once a month 'cause sometimes I'm just a LITTLE too energetic in the morning, if you know what I mean. :D

I think it has something to do with the circulation of your body...


Anyways, I might know what your problem is... when you sing, do you clench your legs/back (hard) so that you're standing perfectly straight? My choir teacher told us a time when a girl was in the middle of a performance and her knees were clenched tightly, she fainted in the middle of the show. :) :)


no its just ur ecolibrium. This hapened to me when I was in Disney I felt like i couldnt breathe and I felt dizzy like I was on the Tower of Terror a million times. Afterward it was better.

I think you felt dizzy because of your equilibrium? I got sick like that and stayed home for a week. I went to the hospital for a whole day, with nothing to eat ing a freezing room :[ Then I went to the pediatritian, still nothing. Lastly, I went to the doctor I went to when I was a baby. He gave me some meds and I felt better by the next day :]

This happend to me once, (exspet it was sept. and my math teacher was askign if I was ok but anyway) I was walking in after school to his room, and I fell down and he said running to me "Oh my! Are you ok (my name lol)?" and he helped me up, and I said "I can barely see you!" and he said "sit down, do you need some water?" and I said "No, I just hope I'm not dying!" and he said "I think you're gonna live" and he helped me over to his desk, and I said "I can't hear you, just barely" and he said, "do you feel hot?" and by now my head hurt "yes, I feel like I'm on fire!" so, he helped me call my mom (this was after school, I walk home lol) and so he waited with me, and my mom came, but I never got to ask him my question ~_~. but, when I took a nap, in my ice cool room, I felt ok, the next my math teacher, he said after class "See, you didn't die! I'm good, aren't I" and I smiled and left, so ya, I think you just had what I had, a small heat stroke.

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