Uhm... so, yeah.


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K Time

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
So, as most of you people know me as, I'm Kay. Why am I making an introduction topic when I've already been on TT a year and you guys know me so well? Well, I'd rather you not call me "Kay" or "Kaythina" anymore. That's getting old, and I'm not too proud with how that spread around to nearly every member of TT. I'd rather you guys call me by my real name "Kristin"

So, if I confused you with all this, I'd rather you call me by my real name "Kristin" because my name isn't Kay or Kaythina.

Why did I lie for so long?

Well, I didn't lie for everybody on here. I've told Ksenia and a few other members that I trusted with my secret. But I pretty much told you that Kaythina thing because when I joined, I was too concerned with people stalking me. I was just an immature, frightened kid.

So I would really appreciate it if you called by "Kristin" rather than the old "Kay"

I'm sorry for keeping this lie for so long, really I am. I've been wanting to tell you for months now, but I was too afraid of people would think of me as a liar.

So call me Kristin, please?

Helloooo, Kristin!

I remember you telling me, like, October-ish last year? :)

It's gonna be hard not saying Kay D:

Buuuut, I'll get used to it,

And so will everyone else,

I'm sure.

Have fun on TT, Kristin!

Hehe :)

Kristin! So that's your real name, huh? I love it. <33

Jae calls me Kristan as a joke, so I hope this doesn't get confusing. x3

So hi, Kristin. 8D

Kristin suits you way better.

Well, I hope this time back is more welcoming/happy for you.

<3 I love you, Kristin.



I'd never of dreamt... haha!

Kristin is such a pretty name.

It'll take a while to get used to, so I'm sorry if I call you Kay. xD

ILY! :)

I love the name Kristin. :)

It was very mature of you to do this.

If it were me, I might have hid it forever.

I'm one of the few people who won't have trouble with the change,

seeing as I just met you! :)

Welcome back!Kristan is a gorgeous name :p

i hope have loads of fun on tamatalk!

It's "Kristin", not Kristan.

[oh. It's Kristin on yet another new account. xD yeah yeah. I know]

And I'm surprised that all of you like my real name... I hate it.

Everyone I know in real life is all "Kristin is such a lovely, wonderful name" and I'm all "... ._. no it's not"


Ohmygosh. I LOVE that name. How do you not like it????? ._. oh, and sorry if I call you Kay XD. Kristin, suits you.

It's "Kristin", not Kristan.
omg im so sorry!

must have spelt it wrong.

yes ur name is great!

my name is so boring.(its kenza by the way)

and people are like " kenza is such a unique name... blah blah"

anyway, i like ur new account name too :blink:
