Um... Mametchi got married!


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Sep 27, 2009
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Ok so lets just say about 2 hours ago that band manager dude came and got my tamagotchi a partner and it was MAKIKO!!!! but i know they dont match ya.... too bad i like to get my tamagotchi's married as fast as possible!! so ya B) ;) :p :p

Like ya so you know how Drew got married to a MAKIKO isnt that annoying because like their baby is a boy and it always and i mean ALWAYS it looks like she is angry gosh i hate makikos their are SOOO annoying...

Makiko: *angry) what did you say bout me? :angry:

ME: something nthin good about you!

drew: k i am getting bored of this

baby:agu wagu

ME: i am gonna set time as mid night now so i can look after the baby


:furawatchi: so ya and then i think the baby turned into a um..... cant remember but i think a kikitchi and then it turned into a togetchi and then ya

his music genre is pop

weighs:64 kg

and ya

Togey:hi i am andrew and i miss my dad !!!! :( he was THE BEST MUSICIAN EVER!!!!!!!

me: um hi u r suppose to be quiet for a while remember?

TOgey: yes chantotchifan person that i hardly even know

me ok now i am just gonna deal with him for a while cya :( :( :( :(

hi peoples srry that i havent done alot of psts at da moment, i just couldnt b bothered! btw it turned into a chantotchi and then nxt generation is that old dude( da one that wears glasses) and then on da nxt generation it was tarakotchi and it still is!

i will try 2 post more when it gets married cya! :lol: <_< :wacko: :huh: :D

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