Um...this is just strange...


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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My friend owns a green tropical flower V3 tamagtochi. She had just gotten back from visting some family and bought the tama at a local toy store in the area. When she got back from the trip her tama was in its teenaged stage and of course on generation 1.

Now here is were it gets wierd!

Me and her were sitting down and she was showing me her tama. We were thinking of connecting hers with mine hoping to mate them when old enough. When all of a sudden her tama beeps and the match maker shows up!

Not knowing really what to do or myself knowing what to do, her teenaged tama gets matched with an adult tama and they have girl tamababies! The the screen just starts going insane! It blinks from black to white before the image of her tama shows up before it blinks off completly, then starts over with a new egg!

Is this some crazy glitch or what? My friend showed me the packege and it has all the normal stuff. The Bandai logo is on it, the packege looked the same as one my own V3 came in. It didn't look to be tampered with at all. Its friend asked me to post this in hopes of some answer.


A. It was broken

B. Maybe it was some new weird adult character that looks like a teenager?


C. You're lying

Me and my friend both belive it might be broken. Because we looked her tama's form up on the V3 growth chart on the bandai web site to be apsolutly positive it was a teenaged form.

Her tama was a Piropiroritchi, I couldn't forget how this tama's form looked because it remined me so much of a Pikmin.

Like I said it became a new egg after all that happened...the egg hatched and so far everything is normal. I don't know what happened.

there is probably a glitch with it. maybe you should go in and adjust some stuff.

The V3's seem to be very problematic. Just continue with it as normal.

i think it was that your tamagotchi was of proper age

which is i think 5 or above

how old was it anyways? ^_^

well maybe you thought the teen was a teen but was actually an adult some charts have typed mistkes

I HIGHLY think it's a glitch. b cuz it happ. 2 me. even tho mine is a v. 2.

soz, lazy 2 type, so incredibly hot n humid, save me,


that ain't happend to me but i think itz wierd mann

i think somthing is really weird happning with your tama or itz broken


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