Umm.... what do i do?


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Yus I know this is another boy topic but I need some help because I'm having trouble with this thing....

So I have a crush on this guy named Chip. I think about him everyday* and sometimes I daydream... My friend Julia told me that Chip told her (they are really good friends) that he kinda likes me. I was really happy because, trust me, nobody likes me. Chip.... to me, he's wow. I don't think I will ever meet a guy like him. He's different in such a good way.


→ He said he "kinda likes" me. When my Julia asked me if I liked Chip I said I kinda liked him at first when I did actually really like him. Maybe he's toning it down...? (guys, your opinion? does he mean he kinda likes me, or is he just toning it down?)

→ What if I ask him out and he says no and it ruins our entire friendship? Then I'll miss him.... a lot. He might be weirded out.

→ He lives in a town that's like, 15 minutes away. I don't get to see him often, but if we go out, we'll talk and hang out more.


Thanks for any help you give me :)


[SIZE=7pt]Okay. Think about it.[/SIZE]

You really like this guy, so what's the worst that could happen? If you two are good friends and he's a decent guy (he does sound like it), he'll understand and probably won't treat you any different.

The worst thing that will happen is for him to say no, there'll be no death or big huge disaster. If he is "weirded out" too, then its his loss for turning a great person like you down, isn't it?

If he's not 'the one', there's plenty of other fish in the sea.

Also, I think he said he "kinda likes you" because he doesn't want to feel embarassed. You would have said you "kinda like him" to not feel embarassed infront of your friend, right? Most of the time, if someone says they "kinda like you", its alomst definate they do.

Life's about taking risks. If you don't take them, you won't get anywhere.

(I sound so cliche or however you spell it :D )

I agree with Plazmical Ecstasy and Notch. =)

You have to give this a try. If he's occupying your thoughts 100% of the time, then go for it.

Worst case scenario? Things are a little weird until you guys sort them out.

It's really no big deal.

Best case scenario? Girl, you've got yourself the guy of your dreams!

Go for it!!


Good luck on your date! Where are you two going?
I gotta thank u all, u guys gave me some confidence :)

We were gonna go see Marley and Me this weekend but he cant because he got grounded for getting a bad grade =\

But we'll go some other time.

I gotta thank u all, u guys gave me some confidence :p
We were gonna go see Marley and Me this weekend but he cant because he got grounded for getting a bad grade =\

But we'll go some other time.
No prob.

And that sucks.

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