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Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Between the Dimension of Time and Space
Hello...I'm not sure what to say 0-0 I guess you can say I've been creeping on this site for awhile now. The first time I ever saw or heard a Tamagotchi was a commercial for the v5. I loved the idea of a Tamagotchi and wanted one, but being so young I couldn't remember what they were called so they just faded into memory. Then one day I was browsing the T.V again and saw a Tama-Go commercial. For some odd reason I just remembered the craving I had as a child for these little things. That's when I did research and found this forum. I collected some Tamagotchis (2 Tama-Go, v6, and a v5) but my mother donated all but my white Tama-Go. Now recollected my collection (does that even make sense? [Tama-Go, 2 v6, v4.5, and v3]), though I still wish I had my first v6, had such sweet memory with that one :,(

In real life I am loud and obnoxious with my friends, but I am in fact very shy and awkward in uncomfortable situations (such as this one). None of my friends, past and present, know of my hobbie of being a Tamagotchi parent. From the fear of being labeled weird among my friends( though I'm already weird to begin with). So now it's been, over the how many years? I guess this year would be my 5th year (dang I feel old -.-). I hope I can make some more cyber friends and thanks for reading all of this? I'm not very good with conclusions -.-

Never feel lonely of being a tamagotchi fan. We are like unicorns of the world, scattered everywhere but somehow connected in a special way. We are unique, and if everyone in the world loved tamagotchi like us, it wouldntt be so special anymore Yes, I too lost many of my childhood tamagotchis, I feel your loss.

Thank you ^-^ That really means a lot to me. I was thinking about buying a tamagotchi p, because of the release of the 4U, there is big price drop. I hope one day Tamagotchi's will have some sort of wifi feature, because one of my many wishes is to actual "connect" with someone else's Tamagotchi, like the programmers designed.

You mean "connect" your Tamagotchi Worldwide through the internet? For your Wi-Fi idea what I think was, it is a Tamagotchi it it should stay like that, it doesn't have to keep up with our society like smart phones.


Hi there!

Welcome to Tamatalk! I've been here for about a month of something and I've enjoyed SO much. Everyone is part of this big, happy, weird and fun community.

PM me anytime and let's discuess our secret life of being a Tama parent!

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