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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Well, one day I was looking at the present list. I looked under ITEM and I started scrolling through the items just because I was bored. I started holding down the A button and it just kept scrolling regularly. It didn't go super fast like if you did that to the real ITEMS list. Is this supposed to happen? I'm really confused. PLEASE REPLY!!! Look at the wittle face! :)


GotchiGirl96 :chohimetchi: :) ;)

Well, one day I was looking at the present list. I looked under ITEM and I started scrolling through the items just because I was bored. I started holding down the A button and it just kept scrolling regularly. It didn't go super fast like if you did that to the real ITEMS list. Is this supposed to happen? I'm really confused. PLEASE REPLY!!! Look at the wittle face! :)

GotchiGirl96 :chohimetchi: :) ;)
It's normal. The reason for that is because when you are looking for a specific item to wrap, then you would want to scroll through slowly instead of fast and miss the item. :) But on your regular item list, you scroll through faster, sense you could find the item you want to use quicker. :)


It's normal. The reason for that is because when you are looking for a specific item to wrap, then you would want to scroll through slowly instead of fast and miss the item. :huh: But on your regular item list, you scroll through faster, sense you could find the item you want to use quicker. ;)
Tama-Love is right. I also don't think you need to worry about a small thing like that. ;)

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