Unfair prices around the world.


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Ugh, prices in Poland are ridiculous.

Monster High dolls in US: 20$

Monster High dolls in Poland: 60$ (at least)

3DS games in US: depends, but usually arond 30-40$

3DS games in Poland: 80$

:/ It's mostly because we import things from the UK, and pounds and shipping fees from there are ridiculous. Plus, to that goes our ridiculous tax, getting the price higher due to the demand, freight, etc...

3DS games are pretty expensive in NZ too, I think my copy of acnl was like $80

I just want to say if you lived in the UK and worked for an american company I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pay you pennies they still have to abide by the UK minimum wage if that's where you're living else I'm pretty sure it'll be illegal.

All the prices vary so much but as stated before it's all relative to the countries economy and standard living rates of pay to consumables it's meant to be worked out that you spend the same value not in currency but in % to your living rates.

Many countries however after having economy crashes etc still have an imbalance in their % where the lower and working class citizens feel they struggle to get by but this is in nearly every country not just your own and it's very unfair to say other people have it "easy" or "cheaper" when you have never lived in their circumstances and all you can see is from your countries economy's point of view and not theirs.

I have recently (3 years ago now) moved to Norway from the UK and it's so different here much more expensive to me.. I see games for 645nok which is £60.54 or $94.79 that in the UK you would pay £30 or $46 for and I think "ah crap I am not paying that for it!" but then I remember actually that's really cheap because I get paid 145nok an hour here for working which is £13.60 or $21.30 instead of the £5.45 which is $8.53 or 58nok that I did when I did the same work in the UK.

Also Norway being one of the most richest counties in the world there isn't as much of a difference between lower class, working class and upper class. Obviously there is still a difference but it's not as clear and obvious as it is in places such as the USA or the UK where the rich are very rich and the poor are very poor.

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Several members have already spotted it. It's unrealistic to compare prices of the same product and convert them so see the difference.

It's not about being "unfair", it's about the differences between countries that affect the price of the product - different costs of living / different economic situations, different transportation / manufacturing costs and different tax levels.

This is a very simplified example but if you are based in the USA and sell products worldwide, do you charge the same amount to someone in your own country as someone in the UK? (Who should pick up the cost of shipping your product to the UK? You? Nope - it costs you more to send it to the UK and pay the import tax as well as the shipping costs, so the person in the UK pays more - and they in turn probably pay local sales tax which also affects the price.)

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Several members have already spotted it. It's unrealistic to compare prices of the same product and convert them so see the difference.
It's not about being "unfair", it's about the differences between countries that affect the price of the product - different costs of living / different economic situations, different transportation / manufacturing costs and different tax levels.

This is a very simplified example but if you are based in the USA and sell products worldwide, do you charge the same amount to someone in your own country as someone in the UK? (Who should pick up the cost of shipping your product to the UK? You? Nope - it costs you more to send it to the UK and pay the import tax as well as the shipping costs, so the person in the UK pays more - and they in turn probably pay local sales tax which also affects the price.)
All of this is true. But the companies are also trying to make extra money. By making them more expensive then the tax levels. Eh what i mean they charge more then the tax the conversion rates etc etc.

Unfortunately unless you work in these big companies in their finance department you don'tknow what hidden costs can come with taking business abroad... and of course they are out to make money that's how you stay in business. Also the costs you gain from selling for more are usually spent equalling out other costs such as workers in those countries that cost more to pay to their countries pay rates and also import taxes or manufacturing costs if you take that abroad as well etc. There is also that it's usually other companies that will buy products off the main company who also need to make a profit so will bump prices up for their own sales.

There is too many varying factors that can explain why they charge more in different areas.

All of this is true. But the companies are also trying to make extra money. By making them more expensive then the tax levels. Eh what i mean they charge more then the tax the conversion rates etc etc.
Of course they do :)

It is called making a profit (also known as building a successful business).

Manufacturing - including toy manufacturing is not a charity, it's a business. Successful (profitable) companies stay in business for longer and so, keep manufacturing and selling new versions and styles of the products that are in demand - like tamagotchis ;)

Oh my gosh I know right its not fair like for example: Tamagotchi id l english.

American: $90

Canadian: $120 (?!?!)

Last year it was only like 80 (can) dollars but now it rose up. Like are you kidding me?

Same with most tamagotchis on Amazon!!! Canadian dollar and euro have it unfairly.

Look... You guys need to realise, it costs money to make money, the reason things cost more and less is becuase of how much it costs to get there. Australia is really expensive here becuase it costs a lot for it to be imported plus we have taxes for certain things here and there so people get paid and tax is added to our final price not like America where it's a certain price THEN tax it's like this everywhere plus factors like how much we all get paid when working adds to the factor for example australia is expensive but we get paid more as opposed to Americans so in fact it's quite even but we notice the price and think other places have it better.

Although in general opinion its still quite pricy for everything.

imports aside


Well exactly so they earn less and things cost less meaning it's equally expensive besides its a Big Mac...... Not like a PlayStation or anything Big Macs need meat and other food products which can be home grown or imported which is why the high costs, Australia's Big Macs are cheap becuase the ingredients are from Australia, australian beef (or whatever the real meat it is haha) etc.

Actually how much is an Big Mac in America i think its 3.65 euros here.

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