Unfair :(


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I don't live in the USA but I would like the accesories to be sold worldwide... But I suppose Japan made them and may think they are the only ones continuing the fad. Anyway, home-made items are always nice. :wacko:

:( i am so sorry us japanese kids have accseries!
Sorry Admin....I have no clue how to make my own!! Is Bandai planning on selling some in the US??? I'm not allowed to sell things on ebay anyway. :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :kuribotchi: :( :mametchi: :hitodetchi: ttyl and please reply!

I still want to get accessories from Bandai, but can anybody give me any tips on how to make my own accessories? Thanks for all of your help. :(

Actually I think that the cases sold out pretty quickly in japan, I don't see them around often on the internet. It's because those cases and keychains are such a nice addition to the Tamagotchi. I did make a tamagotchi holder from clay and I like to put tiny mascot keychains on my Tamagotchi. But mostly those come from Japan (through ebay) as well, I'm very fond of cute Japanese characters :(

How do we get Bandai to notice us? I mean, it's not just the USA, but it's also Canada and I bet a lot of other places! I know Japan made them first and everything but Bandai would make sooo much more money selling them in other places! I don't want to buy from Japan or on the web....I want to buy them in local stores!!!!!!! I hope Bandai will notice. There are so many tama fans out here! :furawatchi: :lol:

us japanese people cant help it if it is unfair but usa could have some accersries and stuff.sorry you dont have accseries. :D
It's not your fault. I think Bandai just thinks that we don't have as much interest in digital pets as Japan does...but that's not true! I love tamagotchis and I have convinced soooo many people to buy them. Almost my whole school has them and a lot of other people too. We want accessories to go with them! I made some home made ones but I want the awesome ones that Bandai can make. :lol: I just wish they could notice my tiny voice in the middle of no where.

Hey i totally agree! i mean why does Japan get all the good stuff? i think bandai or a different company should start making accessories like pencil cases or holders etc. i mean cuz we love tamas and they should make the tama lovers love theur tamas more by making that stuff i mean if they want a lot of profit TAMAS ROCK! :lol: :furawatchi: :unsure: :furawatchi: :huh: :D

Yeah, I know. I don't think there is anything we can do about it.....but I really REALLY REALLY wish there was. :furawatchi:

My friend made me a bag out of fuzzy yarn, and it works sooooo well... if yall' know how to sew, get some fuzzy yarn and make it yourself!!! It's fun to see peoples reactions!

~Tama Baby~


I totally agree! We have tamagotchis and nano pets and all those other digital pets from competitors but we have no tamagotchi accessories! Unfair! I am not allowed on ebay and I don't know how to make my own stuff so.....what's the use if Bandai won't make any for the U.S? Japan gets it all. :furawatchi: Sorry that we can't get the cool stuff. I am totally with you spypeeps!

Did you guys notice that Japan has a lot more cool stuff than us Americans know about and keep it... :furawatchi:

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