USB to IrDA or cell phone?


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Amat Gotchi

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2012
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out there
GRRrr... I took another go at downloading again. Last time I tried, I was able to get one wallpaper using my IrDA from my older computer, then from my newer computer using the same device, got the dinosaur hat. Unfortunately, whenever I tried to download again after that, I was unable to do so. The computer took ages to recognize the Tamagotchi was connecting, then when it finally did, I'd open the menu and decide which to download. I reconnected the Tamagotchi and once it recognized it (took forever but persistently pressed button B) I selected the item I wanted to send. The program would act like it wasn't doing anything, then "Not Responding" appeared in the bar above. I clicked again and the whole program froze, wreaking havoc on my brain. I tried it again after I sped up the computers by defragmenting and deleting a bunch of stuff. Alas, didn't work yet again. Both the computers run Vista. What am I doing wrong?

My other questions are: should I persist with this stupid USB thing or get a cellphone? If cellphone is your answer, please tell me which one(s) you recommend, the price, and preferably a link to buy it. I'd like one that doesn't require activation and isn't too expensive.

Thanks and sorry for the wording; I'm in a bit of a hurry. :p

And BTW I have a Syba USB Fast Infrared Adapter which I got on Amazon. It's more expensive than TamaTamatchi's; I thought it might work better and was satisfied that it didn't ship from a Hong Kong factory.

Edit: I said button B earlier in this post but since I had parentheses it turned it to a sunglasses smiley face. Bear with me, folks.

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are you sure the drivers are up to date? try visiting the manufacturer's website to get the new ones if necessary!

Hmm, I got a cheapo IrDA from Hong Kong, and it works well 80% of the time, with random issues here and there. Maybe something with your more expensive version is causing an issue?

Make sure it connects, you bring up the menu, then it disconnects (but leave the window open). Then re-connect and immediately send the file. Sometimes mine will not respond, and I realize it's considering the connection as a new TMGC, somehow the transmissions overlap and it thinks two or more different devices are trying to connect to it.

What happend when you were connecting was you either didn't stop connecting or you took too long wheni re appeared on your scene (when it says TMGC is in Range). I could make a video and add it to the topic I made on how to transfer files, if my guide is too confusing. Also, purchasing a phone that your possibly only going to use over a Tamagotchi? The phones are not as rare, but they are expensive. I'd suggest keep trying at this, don't give up!

- TamaTamatchi

I had this same problem, and I realized that, yeah... as soon as your computer recognizes the tama, immediately send it! I kept taking too long, and the program would freeze, say it's not responding and I would have to force close it. Try again, but like TamaTamatchi says, connect when you see "TMGC is in Range" or your computer makes that connection noise - go quick!

Where are you supposed to see "TMGC is in Range"? I don't seem to be seeing it.

And TamaTamatchi, please do post a video. I'm a very visual learner. :)

Thank you all!

Thanks, but the problem is, I never see a popup window. I'll try again to see if it works.

On my computer, the window doesn't pop up. So when I first plug in my usb stick, I try to connect with my tama... this usually takes me about 3 tries (dunno why) and then my computer will make a noise and an icon pops up at the bottom of my screen (near the time and volume). I immediately click it, and that window pops up. On my laptop, the icon was on my desktop, but sometimes when I connected, the window popped up automatically. So try looking around to see if a new program or something pops up in your icon bar or desktop.

After connecting, you can leave that window open and let your tama disconnect. After finding what you want to send, try to reconnect your tama. As soon as you either hear your computer signal, or you see "TMGC is in Range" (usually pops up in the bottom corner by my time and volume as well), send instantly!!!

Hopefully a video will clear things up... I know I had a lot of troubles using mine at first - I almost thought it was defective :T

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