Using Adobe Flash Player in 2021 and beyond


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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2015
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Waterfox and Basilisk are forks of Firefox that maintain support for legacy plugins like Adobe Flash. (Basilisk is less up to date, less secure, and doesn't support Macs, so I recommend using Waterfox.) Download Waterfox or download Basilisk, then download this version of Flash. If you still have the no longer functional version of Flash installed, uninstall that first. If you're on Mac or Windows, select "Never Check for Updates" while installing the plugin (if you do update, Flash will block itself again). If you're on Linux, you have to install it by placing the "" file into the "~/.mozilla/plugins/" folder.


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its funny you mention this- i switched  to using Pale Moon as my browser awhile ago  (its a peak 2009-era browser but with all the modern web features, like who can say no to that???!!)

its by the same people and has this on the homepage "Will continue to support NPAPI plugins like Flash and Java" :DD

its funny you mention this- i switched  to using Pale Moon as my browser awhile ago  (its a peak 2009-era browser but with all the modern web features, like who can say no to that???!!)

its by the same people and has this on the homepage "Will continue to support NPAPI plugins like Flash and Java" :DD
Yes, Pale Moon works too. I mentioned its sister-product Basilisk instead because Pale Moon is an unnecessarily far throwback for people who are just interested in Flash. (And because Australis is my favourite Firefox iteration). Waterfox is the most up-to-date option, but it might stop supporting Flash in the future unlike Basilisk, so I included both.

Yes, Pale Moon works too. I mentioned its sister-product Basilisk instead because Pale Moon is an unnecessarily far throwback for people who are just interested in Flash. (And because Australis is my favourite Firefox iteration). Waterfox is the most up-to-date option, but it might stop supporting Flash in the future unlike Basilisk, so I included both.
its acturally really easy to patch the new flash versions to remove the timebomb i made a program to do it

but if you dont trust me for some reason you can use your favourite hex editor on NPSWF.DLL or PepFlash.dll or Flash.OCX in C:\Windows\System32 (or SysWOW64)\Macromed\Flash, and just find and replace 000040463E6F7742 with 000000000000FF7F :D

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its acturally really easy to patch the new flash versions to remove the timebomb i made a program to do it

but if you dont trust me for some reason you can use your favourite hex editor on NPSWF.DLL or PepFlash.dll or Flash.OCX in C:\Windows\System32 (or SysWOW64)\Macromed\Flash, and just find and replace 000040463E6F7742 with 000000000000FF7F :D
Cool, but that will still require a forked browser, as NPAPI and Pepper API will be removed altogether.

i made a custom portable Firefoxversion with the latest ESR version that works with most modern websites and old with flash and java(applets)
anyone interested?

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