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It's 2011. The news industry is doing alright. Verbatim is a rising magazine that covers mostly everything from politics to tabloid tidbits to the arts. It's well - respected and brags about its precision. Most notably, the median age of its writers is twenty - six. That means at least half of the staff is fresh out of college, nostalgic for the pizza and beer days, and floundering to meet deadlines but that's just fine. Verbatim values a fresh take on things. It doesn't run a huge circulation just yet but it's getting there. The company insists it's just one big happy family but the lack of experience hurts sometimes when the boss is running the show and has only got a little more experience than everyone else or when somebody's caught plagiarizing. Not to mention, it's awfully annoying how the same handful of people keep getting to write all the good stuff because everyone knows it's all about the by - lines. Plus, it's kind of hard to tell their co - workers that their article is pure crap and stay friends. Oh, and don't talk about fact checking either. Despite their boasts about accuracy, everyone gets a little paranoid when their article's being scrutinized with all the lying and stealing that goes on. The honor code doesn't work too well either. There's nothing they dread more than that merciless red pen but don't blame them. They didn't know exactly what they were getting into. Even their top notch universities couldn't prepare them for the all the competition and sabotage, and especially not the secret and lies. But don't take it the wrong way. It's nothing personal. It's just business.


Pretty self explanatory, this is a office themed role play. Literate, couple sentences are nice. No super coded posts or profiles please. Follow site rules, keep the role play going, do not leave anyone out! Have fun.







Blurbs: ( Put anything you want here, history, favorites etc. )


Caecilius Peter Sommers
Cecil appears to be most definitely in his early to mid twenties. Tall and thin, a build well-suited for his astonishing height. His hair is straight, but it tends to curl at the ends and it sort of jumps all over the place. The back of his head and his sides are neatly trimmed, and while the top of his head is slightly messy, it’s mostly his curls that’s very distracting, but yet cute. His hair is a very light chocolate that interestingly seems to reflect light instead of absorbing any sort, that it to say, it’s a pure chocolate with tons of sheen. His features are quite defined and softens at the edges, giving off that handsome but gentlemen feel. His eyes are a bright emerald, the very first thing you witness once speaking to him face-to-face. As for his skin, just a soft caucasian decorated with freckles that are seen almost everywhere on his body, other than a few on his cheeks. Nevertheless, Cecil looks so disarmingly friendly that his untidiness is generally forgiven. He is neither frail nor weak, but the easy slope of his shoulders indicates a man made for hugging, not punching or defending. His face—broad, but with prominent cheekbones—is much more suited to smiling than frowning. As far as attire is concerned, Cecil is comfortable in just about anything.
Friendly, cheeky, and outgoing, Cecil has never once had an enemy. He has always found competitive spirit to be an ugly thing—or, at least, something that breeds ugliness quickly. He would much rather sit back and have a pleasant time reaching his goal than race to the top. To him, only the destination of one's journey matters, so long as the path itself doesn't harm anybody. Although he will never admit it, this outlook is partially an excuse for laziness, but he would rather be lazy than arrogant and obnoxious. One of Alex's few passions is the literature of William Shakespeare; he enjoys reading, reciting, and learning about all sorts of british literature. Cecil is prone to making decisions in the spur of the moment. He isn’t particularly unintelligent, but he has no patience for things unless he can honestly say he enjoys them, and is therefore willing to do whatever it takes to get anything he considers unsavory done with immediately. He has a hard time working with others for this reason. However, as has been stated, he can be an idiot. Even he knows when it’s a good idea to sit down and think about things. He refuses to allow people to insult anyone he is close to. He puts great effort into protecting people near him, even when they themselves are probably going to be better off if he leaves them alone. Of course, this means he gets easily sidetracked unless given proper guidance.
Cecil has always found comfort in books, fiction and fantasy being his escape from the harsh realities of the world. It started with comic books, but as his appetite grew, he began reading up novels and classics. His transition from reading to writing began when he learned his high school paper accepted short stories anonymously. Though never meaning to write more than one story, Cecil ended up writing five and enjoyed doing so. It was clear that writing was his calling, and he pursued it in college. In his final term, he began writing a book, with every intention of having it, and those that will follow, published. Until then, he decided to take a job at Verbatim as a staff writer, but had no intention in staying there long. News writing was different from fiction, but it paid the bills, and it was still writing. Now, Cecil is twenty-four and still works at Verbatim, his book only halfway done. Writer's block and personal doubt has hit the author hopeful, whose skill in writing fiction is currently overshadowed by his talent in writing news. Once ambitious, Cecil has grown frustrated by his lack of progress, and succeeding in the overly competitive environment he dislikes only makes him lazier in writing both his book and now even his news stories. His lack of interest in the news industry isn't obvious, since his bright and friendly nature usually masks his growing cynicism. Unfortunately, his writing is starting to show some signs.
Other: -
Name: Allison Edith Gerrold

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: An all-around pretty girl. Not "hot", or particularly beautiful, but Allison still holds herself with a grace and mystique worthy of any supermodel. She is rather short, not weirdly so, just slightly below average, though she is proud of her figure, given her genetics. Her hair is fine, thick, and golden blonde, nearly always set in some sort of ponytail or teased and heavily sprayed, with hints of bleach highlights and coon-tails from once-upon-a-time that indicate bored, creative nights alone from her college days gone by. Her features are average, with hints of germanic origin, e.g., Straight nose, with a rounded tip, not especially long, high cheekbones, full lips, and a strong jawline (though still expressly and distinctcly feminine), her skin is also characteristically pale, and easily burned. Her eyes are what catch people off-guard though, a swirling mixture of rich, copper brown, and deep, dark chocolate, and she nearly always manages to accentuate with perfect, smokey makeup. In reference to her wardrobe, anything will do, so long as it matches with her skirt-of-the-day. Allison also has two tattoos -the chinese character for "peace" on her right wrist, and a butterfly/stars combination on the back of her neck-, and a monroe piercing on the right side of her upper lip.

Personality: She's a fighter, Allison is, with a peculiar stubborness to boot. She's learned from childhood not to put up with anybody elses crap, and has carried this attitude well into her life. She's not excessively belligerent however, the girl really is quite loving, doting, some would say. Allison is protective of people, even strangers, if given the chance, and is fiercely loyal to those she loves. She is also quite intelligent, however, she doesn't like to or perhaps she just may not care enough to show her intellectual side. Either way, she scored above average on her SAT's, with mid-700s in each of the three sections. Needless to say, she studied prolifically for the tests, her stubborness coming out in her studiousness. The girl is amazingly competitive, and will fight for what she has, or wants, with what would appear to be an almost tragic endurance, and she likes the end result to display just how hard she fought for it.

Blurbs: Allison was born in Berlin, Germany. She lived there until she was around five or six years old, and moved to New York when her father was transferred, as such, she still carries a slight german accent. To this day, she does not know what her father's job is, or rather, what job he has retired from. She went through her years with a somewhat low profile, until she reached college. During those years, she studied journalism, planning to go in and make it big as a journalistof the arts or fashion, she was sure that this would happen, as she always followed the trends, and major events of her passion. Unfortunatly, certain events in her life led to her expulsion from her senior year of college, and have forced her to take a job as a secretary, or "office assistant", here at Verbatim.

Other: -

Apologies for any spelling errors, I can't type today :s

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