v2 and v4


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
over the rainbow
I have 1 v2 and 1 v4 going right now, and i have had the v2 going for now almost 3 days, and it says it is 0 years old, but it is a teen

the v4 is a teen and its says its 1 but ive had it going for almost 4 days...

why won't the ages change?

please help me :huh:

The growth of your Tamagotchi stops when it is paused, and a Tamagotchi will not age if it is paused overnight.

okay, thanks:)

i never paused it overnight...

could taking the battery out and putting it back in a few times do someting.. cause that's what i thought..


thanks though:)

I don't think the battery has an effect on ageing.

In my opininion The age doesn't really matter. As long as it grows and you can play with it its fine!



its the genaration actualy!! once your tama has a baby, it will say two years old!

Hmmm...have you tried reseting your v2 and hiting download?that might fix it.And your v4 says age one?What gen. is it on?are you sure your looking at the age?You might be looking at the generation.

well... i read that if you take the battery out.. then the tama goes back to the last big thing that happened in it's life.. so that's why i thought that it was because o fthe batteries..

and i did have on pause a lot..

so maybe both of those combined?

and they are now 2 and 1, so they are growing now

thanks everyone though:) :unsure:

hmm :mellow: i guess when u put in ur pocket or something it pauses and when a tamagotchi pauses the growth of the tama stops! :( :D :) :D

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