v2 instructions sheet


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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
;) help plz! I NEED a version 2 instruction sheet help me please!!!!!! ;) :unsure: :D
plz reply fast my sister is bugging me to get off the computer!

Ok, I can try to help you, though i am not a genius.


Set the clock and date.

Set your birthday.

Name your tamagotchi as it hatches. Boys are black, girls are white.

Health meter: (Icon as a weight scale) Here you see what conditions your tama is in, how happy and hungry. more black hearts, the better :D

You se it's name, gender, and amount of gotchi points, along with it discipline meter. The more streaks, the better grip you have on it's further personality development.

Food: (Icon as a chef's head) One feed, one snack.

Treat: your shop items.

Toilet: (Icon as a toilet) press the toilet icon if there's a poop on the screen, or your tama looks angry and there is steam streaks.

Games: Icon as a ball and baseball bat: Jump, bump, heading, slot.

Play jump: click A, B, or C when the bulb over the buttons turn to black. If you do it right, you will hear a beep, and your tama jumps and earn points. Otherwise, you fail.

Slot: Bet from1-9. you will earn points easily.

Shop: Contains food and items you can buy with points. There are also shop codes, which I dont know (boy that sucks)

There is one food your friend loves, that is sold in the shop, and one it hates. <_<

Connexion: Ver. 1 and 2. press ver 1 if connecting with ver.3.

You can go to adress book and wrap a present, or play four different games with other object. I know only two - blow up a balloon or eat nine scones before time runs out. If object is a version 1 or 3, it will always look like this :(

Discipline: Icon as a barking mouth :angry: Time-out when bad, (Sending friend poop, beeping for no reason, denying to eat when hungry) Praise: When crying or when it's back is turned at you

Medicine: (Icon as a first aid - kit) press this icon when there's a skull or broken tooth over your friend's head. sometimes you have to press it twice.

Lights: Icon as a lamp. on/off

Addressbook (wallet) Icon as an open book: here are your friends (up to fifty), gift items and gotchi-points.

Look at me when I'm talking to you! - Icon as two faces - one smiling, one angry. When this is lightnened up go to health meter. If hungry or happy, you know what to do. If neither, time out! :(


When connecting, the objects male and female will get to know eachother better. They may mate when they grow up, and the female will give birth to two tamakids - who are the same sex. one of them will come to the father's egg.

After 24 + hours the grown-up will go away, and you will have to raise the babitchi. There is no way you can make the parent leave before that ;) . Try to look at it this way: Tamas are more humane parents than animals, and they love their children. So don't force it away from it's flesh and blood :D

When you feed the grown up, the child will be fed by it's parent.

If the baby is sick, you must give it medicine.

If you don't connect good with your tama, the matchmaker will try to find a mate for you :blink: usually the 6+ days.

If your tama dies, flip unit over and put a pencil or a hair pin in the restart hole at the bottom of your tama unit to restart. If you press it too hard, you will blow the whole thing up. :huh:

Batteries: Use 3 volt - batteries only (ask fore them at gas station or software - shops.) The batteries will last for at least three- four months.

I hope I helped you!

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