V3 Jealousy?!


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Aug 13, 2013
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This happened 4-5 years ago, but I still remember it and wonder what happened. Me and my friend had gotten our first tamagotchi v3s, they were both adults, but the tamas had known each other since they were toddlers. My friend's tama had gotten married to her other friend's tama, and had an egg with her tama. Me and her decided to connect our tamas. After the visit, her tama and it's egg died, and my tama was doing the little dance they do when they've done something bad. Did my tama kill her tama and its egg?

0_o really? Omg... This seems even creepier then the newer colors sending sickness... Eeek.

It could be timing and the over all care of the other tama but... Either way, creepy.

Are you sure?

When two Tamagotchis connect, you don't need to raise an egg if they have a baby. They just go straight into the baby stage and go from there.

Even so, I don't think your Tamagotchi killed its friend. It is possible that your friends Tamagotchi died shortly after neglect. Also, sometimes your Tamagotchi does little dances with it's idle - for instance, Marutchi will roll around.

I think it is just coincidence if it did die.

Oh my, I have to try that out sometime! It's freaky... reminds me of pet finches I used to have who raided each other's nests, destroyed the eggs, and killed the babies... **shudder**

Sounds very strange indeed. I'm actually starting to wonder if these things actually can happen and are not some coincidences...

this is creepy ): killing the other tama! murdergotchi °_°

Either that's a glitch, or maybe it's some creepy feature put in the Tamagotchis by a vengeful Tamagotchi programmer. :eek:

Very interesting, I've never heard of this before!

As soon as i receive my cr2032 batteries, i'll give it a try. I'll raise 2 v3's, one girl and one boy. I'll connect them as toddlers, and i'll marry one. Then i'll connect them to see what happens.

I highly doubt this even happened Chell, but i'm curious enough to give it a try :p

I highly doubt this would happen, to be honest... I think it's just a case of giving a present that turned out to be a poop, or a snake, rather than the actual gift, and your friend's tama dying of neglect. But hey, this could happen...

Okay....its either that we found out something about Bandai programming the V3s or the game is glitching out. I don't really think its possible for a egg to die! 0~0


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