V3 tama diary


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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2006
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Name: Hazey

Gender: Girl

Generation: Gen 1

Now Hazey is a furawatchi!!!!! :p Yay!!!!!!!!! My favourite character!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I am not wrong , the matchmaker will come later. I will check on the forum later to search for good names for both boys and girls. Just not long ago , there was a talking christmas tree next to Hazey. Let me try to write a conversation between Hazey and the christmas tree.

Hazey: Oh my gosh!!!! Are you the talking christmas tree?!?!

CT (christmas tree): Yes Hazey. I am the mystical talking christmas tree.

Hazey: LOL!! What are you doing here in my house?

CT: I just came to visit you. I only visit good tamas.

Hazey: So you mean I am a good tama?!

CT: Yes... ... You have helped several tamas this year and I am here to visit you and wait for santa to put the presents under me.

Hazey: Wow!!! I can't believe santa will be coming to my house!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!

CT: I heard that you are going to get married soon. Am I right?

Hazey: Oh yes!!! The matchmaker should be coming today. According to my owner. If she is not wrong.

CT: I see... ... Well, I have to go now. See you! Merry Christmas!!!

Hazey: Bye!!!!!!!!

LOL!! It is kind of too magical! Too much fantasy and maybe I used too much of my imagination. Ok , time for some explanations. Even though I bought my tama in June 06 , it is still on gen 1. You must be thinking why now. There are 3 reasons why.

1) I have no time for my tama and it dies.

2) I don't like the tama character. (Lol! This might be evil!!! To the tama... ...)

3) This only happened once. The battery was flat and I didn't played with it for about 1 month and then I downloaded it but the age wasn't moving so I restart it.

Those are the 3 explanations. Well , thats all for now. Please comment after reading! Toodles!!!

Berrydaze :D

Monday , 11 December 2006 (Hazey)

Dear Diary , I am Hazey. I am currently a furawatchi and I am my owner's favourite tamagotchi character! Yay!!! So she bought 3 things for me!!! A bow , doll and a drum!!!! My owner rocks!!! I am currently talking to a christmas tree now. Dont want to be rude so be right back. Back , I had to let the christmas tree finish talking before I can continue writing my diary update. I am 6 years old turning 7 about tonight. So the match maker should be coming about later or tommorow. I just love to sing!! Let me sing a tune for you! "doe ray mi ray doe so fa , lah* fa lah* fa me ray doe" Let me write it in another way. "C D E D C G F , A* F A* F E D C" The "*" means high. Which is high A. I have to go now. My owner wants the computer back. So she can shut it down , and I need to follow her to practise her piano. Goodbye!!


I wonder why the matchmaker has not come yet... ... It is so slow!!!!! Hazey should be turning 7 tonight so the matchmaker should come about this timing... ... I wonder why she is not here? :p Well , I have particularly nothing to say! So bye!!!


Monday , 11 December 2006 Part ll

Dear diary , the matchmaker came just now!!! I don't know who I married to and which character it is but I don't care!!!!!! I got a baby girl!!!!!!! I am thinking what to name her. Maybe I will name her Angel or Candy. I will discuss with my owner Berrydaze and update maybe Wednesday. Because tomorrow I will be going with my owner out. Yay!!!! Now my baby can play with the doll my owner bought. I feel so happy!!!! I will pass this diary to my baby. Oh , then I can't update the name!!! Because I will be leaving on Tuesday/Wednesday 12 midnight!!!!! Ok let me decide on a name. How about Gem? Ok Gem is good!!! Let me ask her whether she likes this name!

Hazey: Hi baby!!! Do you like this name Gem?

Baby: Aggah!!! *nod a little nod*

Ok , she likes it!!! Ok , I have to go for dinner now and watch a drama with my owner then go to bed with Gem. Bye!!!

~hazey~ and gem

PS. I can't decide a signature for Gem. She has to decide for herself when I pass her this diary.

Name: Gem

Gender: Girl

Generation: Gen 2

Wednesday , 13 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary, I am Gem , Hazey's daughter. My mummy should have mentioned in her previous entry that I am her daughter. My mummy left at 12 midnight last night. She left while I was sleeping!!!! :) I am so sad that mummy is gone. I missed her so much that I cried a few minutes ago. But after Berrydaze comfort me , I stopped crying and was happy. She said that we could go visit her later after I update this diary!!! Yay!!! Now , I feel much better now... .... So , I just woke up from my nappy wappy. Berrydaze says I should be evolving quite soon. I asked her what is evolving. She told me that evolving means I am going to turn into something else instead of me being a teletchi , I might just be a Tamatchi or Mizutamatchi later. She also told me that once I grow up , I will understand it more. Well , I need to go exercise now and go visit mummy. See you!!!! Bye!!

(= gem =)

Wednesday , 13 December 2006 (Gem) Part II

Dear Diary , I just evolved into a Kuchitamatchi. Berrydaze feels that I look ok. I hate my look though!!! It looks ever so boyish that I can't stand it. Berrydaze told me not to worry because I will evolve again tommorow. When I am an adult , I hope to be a Hidatchi. Berrydaze also wants me to be a hidatchi. She is taking care of me very well and I feel so loved. I am the only tamagotchi she has after all. Her mummy says that one tamagotchi is enough. If she has too many , she can't concentrate on her studies well. So I seldom connect. But I kind of like being alone. It is peaceful and all. Well , mummy wants the computer back! Bye!!

(= gem =)

That was Gem! Now it is me, Berrydaze. Well , what Gem said was actually right. That was somewhere at the last part. Gem looks ok with this Kuchitamatchi look. She looks like a Kuchipatchi with no head. LOL! Thats all for now!! Bye!!!!!

=xberrydazex= & (= gem =)

PS. That time I mentioned that Hazey was a furawatchi? Right? Yeah , she is actually a violetchi. Sorry!

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Maybe I am going to have a tama book diary(in reality not on tamatalk) for my tamagotchi. Because I am afraid that my V3 tama diary (On tamatalk) will die. =( So I will make a book diary for my tama in reality! OK! That was just a little update before I need to practise my piano with my tama. LOL!


Tuesday , 14 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary , I evolved this morning... ... But I look extremely ugly now!!! Berrydaze still thinks I look ok. I am a Hinatchi (teen). I look like a chicken!!! Only a bit more wierd... ... Well , that is all for NOW. I might just tell you more later. Oh yes!! Berrydaze bought a plane ticket to China for me!! Yay!!! So happy!!! I can use it when I turn 4. That means when I evolve into an adult. Ok, I am going to pass the computer back to Berrydaze now.

(= gem =)

OK... ... There is nothing I need to say. So bye!

=xberrydaze=x & (= gem =)

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Sunday , 17 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary, I evolved today. I am a bunbuntchi.I look a little boyish but I like it!! I just came back from travelling. LOL!! I travelled to China then to Chile. I travelled so quickly! Haha!! I got a panda bear from China and maracas from Chile. Berrydaze was complaining that why must the V4 tamatown come out so fast. Even if they want to release the V4 tamatown now , they could at least put it on another link. Like Tamacity or Tamaplace. I am also a bit angry at bandai. Well , we can't do anything... ... I got to pass the computer back to Berrydaze now. Bye!!!

(= gem =)

PS. I am Berrydaze. That time I mentioned that Gem was a Hinatchi. Yea , sorry I got mixed up!! She is a Hinotamatchi. =p

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Monday, 18 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary, I am 5 years old now. My owner is still as good as usual. Feeds and exercises me when needed. Checks on me often and all. The talking Christmas tree came about 1 hour ago. I just kept quiet and didn't say anything. Until my owner said it was time for lunch then I said bye and so did the talking Christmas tree. I really have nothing much to say now. Nothing much has happened these few hours. I just know that the match maker will come in 2 days time. Which means on Wednesday, 20 December 2006. By then I hope to have a baby girl again. I will name her Heart.. If the baby is a boy, I will name him Rex. Thats all for now. Maybe I will have more news later. Bye... ...


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Wednesday, 20 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary, I am turning 7 today and the matchmaker will come today. I decided that if the baby is a girl, I will name her Spark instead of Heart. The boy name is decided, Rex. Well, Berrydaze just noticed when I come up close to the screen I look extremely cute when I am the closest point. LOL! :unsure: The talking Christmas tree came again and all. Do you think I should name "if" future daughter Spark or Tink? Maybe Tink.... ... Yup! Tink it shall be! I have nothing to say now! Bye!!


Wednesday, 20 December 2006 Part II (Gem)

Dear Diary, the matchmaker just came for me. I married to a Sekitoritchi. He is the guy that wears a hula skirt. I got a *drumrolls*... ... ... baby BOY. Well, he isn't a girl (obviously). But I still love him alot. So Rex he is. I got to go now! Bye!!


Thursday, 21 December 2006 (Gem)

Dear Diary, Berrydaze is sick today. She has diarrhea and a little giddy. Rex is fine, I need to play a game first. Be right back! Ok, I am done. I just donated 400 points to the king and played heading. I have 9999 points right now. THats why I need to donate 400 points to the king before I can play the game. Rex got sick just now and after Berrydaze gave him a dose of medicine, he became better. He also poo once or twice today. Well, thats all for today. Bye!! :lol:


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Friday, 22 December 2006 (Rex)

Dear Diary, I am Rex, Gem's son. Mummy left when I was sleeping. I don't feel that sad. I didn't cry when I was a baby or needed Berrydaze's attention. I am more of the brave type Berrydaze says. I am currently a Mizutamatchi. Let's walk over to the shop now. Ok, let's see... ... There is a cake, muffin, pear and plasma TV. There is a sale in the shop right now but we won't by anything. I wonder why is there a cake from the shop codes. :D Oh never mind! Bye!


Ok, its me Berrydaze now. I am wondering, why Rex didn't cry? I hope whoever reads what I am writing, please PM me and answer! Thks!!! Oh yea! I forgot to say that I forced Gem to leave. LOLZ!

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Oh yay! Rex has FINALLY got 3 training points! {lll......} LOLZ! At least he has training points! :) Feel free to PM me to comment about my log.

Hi!!! It was Christmas yesterday. I said yesterday cos' in my country, it is 12.35 am (past midnight). So it is 26/12/2006. Well, Rex is sleeping right now. Rex is currently a Nikatchi. Bad-care teen right?! *sigh* Have been going out more often these days so didn't take much care of my tamagotchi. Getting from good to bad... ... I wonder if it will go from bad to WORSE!!! I am Berrydaze if you didn't know. School will be re-opening soon and I am going out more often these few days till about when school re-opens. I can't update the log so often then. I will update when I can. I got to go now!! Bye bye!!

Rex is sleeping again... ... Nothing happened today. He evolved into a Paparatchi (According to the V4 character chart. Cos' I can't find the V3 chart.). Well, I can't fit in a time slot when Rex is still awake so that he can write the diary. Ok now! Bye!!

Just wonering, how do you get training points? Just wonderin'!

From now onwards, I won't post in my log anymore. I will try to start a new one when I get my V4 next year somewhere in April/May/June. This is my V3 tama diary. Goodbye forever!! :furawatchi:
