V3 tip


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
I figured that since V3 is more bigger and has more stuff it's battery is going to run out more.

If you drop it it's battery is going to die more sooner.

Since there are so many characters there is no official age group or mood or way to get one for any of them. (except the V1 and V2 characters!)

I heard these somewhere... and I just hope they work for you. I don't have my V3 yet. :lol:

I guess! It was just easy to figure it out!
yeah, the v3 does have a lot more features, so nice 2 warn the warnables. i wanna get a v3! i can't wait till March!" (L@@K at my avvie)

To buy a tamagotchi v3 just go across the bridge and go to toywiz someone in my class already has one B) just pm for more info on tamagotchi v3

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: and im a master at find tamagotchi v2 codes :) :eek: B) and B) B) B) B) till I reveal more cya.....

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GotchiGirl!, Pleeease could you PM me explaining about V3??

My dad has just bought me a V3 from ebay (it will arrive in a week or so) and i would love to know!!

-Rambo2 ^_^

minr comes today.. i know i said yesterday but i went and there was no card in the mail box but at usps.com it said i was in already so yeah! its n today cant wait till school ends!!! :0

antenna= pure decoration!

it was smart for you to figure out that, mimi and hana lover..

nice thought...

i suppose that rivenn might just be up to make another tamadex..

but that seems so hard!

anyway i dont have a v3 ethier! and i suppose you should check toys R us on friday cuz thats the bandai release date for that store!

antenna= pure decoration!
it was smart for you to figure out that, mimi and hana lover..

nice thought...

i suppose that rivenn might just be up to make another tamadex..

but that seems so hard!

anyway i dont have a v3 ethier! and i suppose you should check toys R us on friday cuz thats the bandai release date for that store!
Where do you live? I live in Ontario, Canada. I can't remember the city and anyway, even if I could, if I told, I'd get in B-I-G trouble!


I am currently going on another vacation.

Sorry, I wont get back with v3 info until 2 weeks pass.

v3 looks like conexion not connection. it has an antenna. what is it for
Actually, the V3 looks more like the Tamagotchi Ketai, a Japanese exclusive...

And the anttenae is just for looks to bribe little children into thinking it can connect to weird things. Not saying I don't like the anttenae. ;)

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