v4 canada realise HELP!


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Active member
Aug 15, 2006
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B) :) can someone please please tell me when tamagotchi v4's are comeing to canada??!!??

i really want to know so reply to this message if you know when they are comeing to canada!!

Tamagotchi V4's were suppose to be shipped to Canada this month, although it just depends where you live as to when they get there.

If you went to a larger city in Canada ; Toronto for example you would have a better chance of finding them.

Ring up your local MYER, Kmart Target etc and ask them perhaps?


In Canada you could order them on the internet because I am guessing they will get it from the U.S.A. then it will not take a very long time .

Well if you live on the borter of Canada and U.S.A you have a good chance

to get one! ;)

Well from other tamatalk members,they said:It will probly come this month! Good thinking,Haze and V4lover!

P.S Do you want to be friends!?

i was thinking if the shipment was this month, then it would be the same as USA.

january 5th.

but, i havent been able to find one in stock. so, i wouldnt know if you can.

*Topic moved to 'What' s On Your Mind'*

thanks for all your help guys! the v4 came to canada yesterday so im getting one!

;) :) :) :) :( <- that is me now that im getting one!!

i went to london on yesterday and toys r us didn't have them! i was so mad!

i got a v4!!!!! it is the glow in the dark one!!! his name is daisy!!!! i got it at wl-mart i got a discount cuz my moms boyfriend gets 10 percent off!! :blink: :( :ph34r: :D :D

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