V4 glitches?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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The ground.
Hi TamaTalkers!

I have two V4 problems.

Number 1~

I had a Tama called Brad. One day I noticed that he had changed his name to Rad. But then he left. Still called Rad. When his son was about to leave I noticed that his name had gone back to normal. Two other Tamas have dont this too. Jelly became Helly and Zee became Xee. Please tell me why this is happening!!

Number 2~

Ever single Ichigotchi I have looked after ahs always been under weight. What is its base weight? Mine are always 10 Lbs. Is this normal?

Thanks guys!


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1. That is a glitch that can happen to any V4.

2. Yes.

Both of these problems are well-known glitches on the V4. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them, as they cannot be resolved. Neither is serious or will affect the long-term gameplay of your Tamagotchi.


Oh my gosh thank you all sooooooooo much! Funnily enough I have owned V4's for 4 years and I only recently found out about these glitches! XD

Thanks again guys!

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Oh my gosh thank you all sooooooooo much! Funnily enough I have owned V4's for 4 years and I only recently found out about these glitches! XD

Thanks again guys!
That's the same as mine, he was called Alex but it changed itself to Rlex but then changed back to alex. It is just a glitch that has happened to several users. Including me :p

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