V4 Group Hatching next week?


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Active member
Jan 14, 2007
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In the Computer
Does anyone want to do a group hatching next week? The only thing needed is to have a Version Four. Mine is coming next week and I want to do a group hatching with at least one person!

i have a v4 its a tv though ....but sure ill do a hatching with u! :lol: oh yea v4s dont beep much its true cuz i got 1 yesterday mines glow in the dark :gozarutchi: ill check and see if u get a boy or girl good luck

srry i wuz tryin to do icons but it screwed up >_< oh yea my username is suppost to be tamaturd but i ended up with a typo

i have the same kind of v4 you do!!! mine came two weeks ago, so i can't do the group hatching, but i just felt like sharing.

:lol: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: hi talk to me i need to know what the heck a grouphatching thingyy izz :) :( :ph34r: :eek: :unsure:
its like where a group of peepl get 2getha a hatch their tamagotchis at the same time.... from there i guess you just chat about how each is going, what happens, what they turn into etc etc etc .... so yea .... is ne1 else here in nz???? coz i am and i havent met many other v4 owners in nz.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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