*'*V4 LoG!_*'*


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Monkey <3

Active member
Mar 24, 2007
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[SIZE=17pt] :p ThE BeST V4 lOg EveR iN hIsTOry!! :) [/SIZE]

:( (I HOPE!)

[SIZE=14pt]bY ~ Monkey &lt;3 :p :D [/SIZE]

(because this page is so happy and colorful, the log will actually start on the next post)

here are my tamas current stats-

name: jerry

gender: boy

age: 4

character: mametchi :)

job: teacher

gen.: 3g

training: 5

pionts: 23790


intelligence- 123

fashion- 82

kindness- 99

he is awsome! at first my v3 was named tom so it was tom &amp; jerry but tom died so now its just jerry but my v3 is not important here. i hope jerry has a baby soon because then the log will be really exciting but now he is all grown up so there wont be many changes except when jerry gets married. so sorry if its a bit boring for awhile :(

[SIZE=14pt] :lol: "JERRY, YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE" :mimitchi: [/SIZE]

Horray! today Jerry married Amber, a maskitchi ;) on my friend Alicia's tama. It only took 3 connections to get married, so quick I did it in the girls bathroom! (no, really, I did. It was the only place I was pretty sure the teachers wouldn't be hanging around) First I had them VISIT and meet each other. Then I gave Jerry a love potion and sent him over to Ambers using PRESENT and his present to her was a kiss and floating hearts! Then one more PRESENT, they shook heads, the lights went out, and, fireworks! On Ambers screen she had 2 beautiful baby girls. One girl was sent to my tama. SUCCESS!! Her future name is Darcy. ;)

oh look, i have mail! lets see whats inside..... a fortune!

wealth: 2 stars

love: 2 stars

health: 1 star

not the best fortune in the world but i'm ok with it. i'm just happy jerry met amber! :huh:

[SIZE=14pt]Happy Birthday Darcy! [/SIZE] :D

when i got home from school i said to myself "i am tired of waiting for jerry to leave" then i wondered how i could make him leave.all of my tamas have been known to leave lonely babys in the mornings. so i thought that maybe parents leave at midnite and tested this by setting the clock to 11:59 PM and waiting 1 minute. I WAS SO RIGHT!! at midnight jerry turned on the lights and for a few minutes just stood there watching darcy. i was getting bored. really bored. then finaly he started cheering or something (he raised his arms and smiled. looked like cheering to me) then he closed his eyes and went up, up, and away back to tamatown. so, if you want your tama parent to leave, first you let them sleep for 1 nite unbothered then the next day set time to 11:59 PM, wait a min, then the babys yours for keeps! :wacko:

i also kept track of how needy babys really are. i thought they pooped every like 15 minutes but they are much more constant than that! (the only things i didnt keep track of was hungry/happy hearts, feeding, and playing games)


5:04 born

5:15 got sick after pooping

5:25 pooped

5:34 pooped then fell asleep

5:39 woke up

5:44 cried/needed praise

5:48 pooped

5:58 pooped

6:04 evolved/turned into toddler

in case your wondering here are darcys current stats B)

name: darcy

gender: girl

age: 0

character: harutchi

job: none

gen: g4

training: 2

pionts: 28830


intellegence- 10

fashion- 0

kindness- 6

uh-oh, just got some dumb poop in the mail. darcy is pretty sad now! time for a game of jump-rope!.............

horray i won! 30 jumps! now i have 29230 pionts and 15 intellegence pionts.

I think thats enought excitement for now. i'll post again later. :D

darcy was pooing a while ago, i stopped her and she looked so cute on her duckie tiolet!


anyways she is in preschool now i tried to tell yall last nite but my dumb brothers kept getting me off (not my fault!) i really wish i had a laptop! other than that not much has happened so bye

darcys grown a LOT! :wacko:

name: darcy

gender: girl

age: 2

character: ringotchi

job: school (flower teacher)

gen: g4

training: 9/9

pionts: 15540


smarts- 28

arts- 34

kindness- 29

im hoping she turns adult tonite then maybe tomaro at school i can get married. i hope i dont get a universal. the girl universals are so dang ugly!


last night darcy became a maidtchi she dosent have a job yet though. monday when i go back to school I will ask my friends if they have any adult boy tamas. or i might mate with my v3 but he is a teen now so if he dosent hurry up and evolve then he wont get married to my darcy! i am looking for some boy and girl names. if you have any plaese pm me the ideas (but please dont send the links to name genoraters! i dont like those so much) when darcy gets a job offer i want her to be a singer or news reader causei love that game :p

chris (v3's name), is still stubbornly refusing to be old. :angry:

ive heard that v4s take longer to grow than v3s but obviously its the other way around. i know i sound like im making a huge deal out of it, but i love baby tamas! they are cute and exciting! darcy has an email,aww someone sent her a heart. shes really happy now! a little hungry though, i will feed her some pizza, now shes perfect! :angry:


yay she married chris (my v3) he was a :unsure: they had beatiful baby girls!

any name ideas? :)


i named my two girls sarah and kay!!. kay!! is the v3 sarah is the v4. uh oh sarahs sick! she only needed one dose of medicine. uh oh she has 0 happy hearts!grr i lost jump rope on 28 because i didnt press the dang button hard enough!! poop clean up time, now shes happy and clean! here are her stats-

name: sarah

gender: girl

age: 0

character: Mohitamatchi

job: preschool

gen: g5

training: 2/9

pionts: 24190


smarts- 12

arts- 3

kindness- 3

sarahs marrige plans are with harry (friends tama)

sarah turned into a masktchi :eek:


I wanted her to be a yattatchi!

her huisband is a tosakatchi, they will get married tomarrow or monday.


Sarah finaly married to harry yesterday! yayyyy! she had a beautiful baby boy! on the bus today i sent sarah back to tama town. i then named the baby leo! he is unhappy lemme play jump rope,


leo and i won the whole 30 jumps! now he is a little hungry from jumping so much, all better i fed him some cereal. aww, my little leo is crying! i should give him praise! now he is really happy! am am going to take SUCH good care of him because i am sick of universal characters. :)

Forgot to add Leos stats-


name: Leo

gender: boy

age: 0

character: (i dunno, the baby boy)

job: none

gen: g6

training: 1/9

pionts: 43050


smarts- 5

arts- 0

kindness- 6

right now his hearts are 3/4 hunger and 3/4 happy. i just fed him sushi now we are gonna play jump rope again.

we got 23 jumps, +200 points and +3 kindness points.


Leo just turned into ANOTHER HARUTCHI (as if i didnt see it coming) less than five minutes ago. I ALWAYS GET HARUTCHIS! :)



i have gotten tear drop guy once, mohawk guy 2 times, and the rest have been harutchi's (blue guy). never have i gotton the panda man, but my friend has gotton mr. panda every time! it's wacko-weird-crazy!


Leo turned into a young robotchi at about 5:15 PM today! young robotchi is the little kid version of robotchi ( this is robotchi, :mellow: ).

I want Leo to become a mametchi! :blink:

Then the specail character (whos name i forget) :)

so i got him the turtle teacher and when he grows up he will get a smart person career, but i have to look around this site to figure out exactly which careers those are.

HI! i found were you can work to raise intellegence skill points:





*tv studio

i once had a rockstar tama and the game was soooooo fun :blink: i think the tv studio game is the same so thats what i want leo to do.

Leo is gonna be the best tama EVER! :mellow:

nothing SUPERLY exciting has happend but leo is now very grown up even tho i paused him alot! heres his stats :)


Name: LEO

Gender: boy

Age: 2

Character: young robotchi

Job: School w/ turtle teacher

Generation: 6

Training: 8/9

Points: 56710

Intellegence Skills: 130

Art Skills: 50

Kindness Skills: 50

ok i have not exactly been up-to-date lately so i will just shout out everything exciting that happened in the order it happened. :)





and his skill pionts are like




or something now

[SIZE=15pt]I NEED NAME IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :lol:
