V4 or V4.5?


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2006
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When I know I'll tell you.
I'm planning on adding on to my tama family by adding a V4 or V4.5. But I don't know which one. Can some tell me a bit about both? :furawatchi:

I don't have a v. 4 but I do have a v. 4.5, and I like it. The v. 4.5 involves your tama going to school, then getting a job. It also involves some very interesting characters. One of my tamas turned into a tea-pot and another became a drum! You also get mail, and a mail icon will flash if you get mail. The v. 4.5 has a shop like the v. 3, and sells various articles at certain times of the day. The basic foods are very much the same with both v. 3 and v. 4.5, but one snack item difference is an orange with the v. 4.5, as my v. 3 had an apple. In short, the v. 4.5 can be compared with a v. 3, except for different games and characters, plus the additions of going to school and getting mail. Hope this will help.

a v4 and v4.5 are very alike! they have different caricters, games, and jobs! i like the v4.5 because it features caricters that are in no other tamagotchi!! the v4 has oridgnal caricters through!

hope i helped and have a great tamatalking day!!!

get the 4.5 More chars, better games, and the coolest exteriors of all the ones available. I'd recommend a 4.5 over any other version to date!

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