v4 tips


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tama yokon ho

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
AnnArbor Michigan


skill points

can affect how tamagotchi can grow or the teacher pick.

fortune mail!:

If you recive 3 stars in health

the tamagotchis illness will be much higher!

If you get 3 star in love/freind connecting

your tamagotchi will communicate faster

with freinds and

mabey a partner

If you get 3 stars in gotchi points

you will recive more gotchipoint in your

tamagotchis job minigame or the tama king can come and

give more than 1000

other baby help:

when the baby hatches or wakes it

will grow up as its parent

(almost evry time)

health help:

some food can actuly increase your skill points

as well as your hunger meter

always make sure to check your

skill point always after you feed you tamagotchi!


Go for it! go to tamaschool

each morning with your tama after it awakes

then try hard to win each school minigame

and you can find your dream job!

also takecare of your tamagotchi to

not let the skill points go down if you wont

you would not find a job!


kid foods:

pupitchi:likes pairfait not cupcakes

mohitamatchi:likes pineapple and hates fries

babys like milk and dislike fish

harutchi:he likes ice creambut dosent like pizza

i hope i helped

Wow, thanks alot you put of work into that, but do you think it belongs in help for new tamagotchi pet owners?

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