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I don't think that there's really a V4......but to make sure I'll go on www.google.com and search for tamagotchi V4 , k?

:p :blink:

I totally doubt that!

I mean Forida. At least they would be on the other side of the world or something.

And if they sold it in florida it would be on the internet. :furawatchi:

Thank you.


That person probably meant to write V3, not V4.
I just saw that it's true but I think the person who put it on that website was spreading a rumour. :p :D :nyatchi: :p

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V4s are fake!! Anyway, I think V3s ROCK!! Well, if Bandai ends up with warehouses FULL of unsold V3s, I'll buy them all!!


Cool! But I thought v3s were still being sold.

I wish V4 would be in Singapore but my parents will not let me get it B) because i already have V3. :wacko: :wub: :hitodetchi: :wub:

Heres some thoughts:

- 1 : Version4 isnt even out yet, we are still at Version3.

- 2 : The package is totally different then V1, V2, & V3. Why would they change it for V4?

- 3 : The image is so small you can't decipher it. Another clue of how it can be fake.

I wouldnt trust that blog post. You will eventually know when V4 is out from legit people, not a blog post on Blogspot!

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uh xcuse me ... how can u b so blind it says honey lovers on the pack when its suppose to b bandai!!!!so its a fake tama its an english edition thats a copycat look properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mods from Tamagotchi Online said that V4 is being released in Germany and Japan. :kusatchi:

Heres my theorie that its Wrong.

1: Japan doesn't have Connection or Connexion they get stuff like the Entama and UraTama.

2: Germany has Conexxion and they just got V3 in April.

And Corner Shop 2 means possibilities of V4 and is most likely to be Released by the end of the Year.

This is fake in my world.I trust Bandai enough to think that they would tell us if there was a V4.

[SIZE=14pt]So Homer Simpson has a new "Operation" game?I have to see this!Oh,wait I own the game![/SIZE]

Wierd quote of the week:
Yes your right and I find it spammy that you put your siggy in your post!

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